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  1. P

    Any favorite not cheating but feels like it "snacks"?

    Halo ice cream is the shiiiiitttt bro
  2. P

    Sarmsx vs sarms1

    I am also going to try and do a 12 week log on my sarmsx stack (you probably don't want to wait that long to buy) Rad140, MK, SR9009 to drop some BF and lean out a bit. Like I said everyone here vouchers for it and clearly all got good results
  3. P

    Bitcoin ??

    Well just link your bank account to it, I think you go to the Add payment tab, and then wait a day or 2, they will ask you to verify the amounts they withdrew from your account, will be less than a $1. Then you are all set and have a limit of $1000 per week but once you actually buy the bitcoin...
  4. P

    Don't PM me asking a favor with 'Hey'...

    What does a Gay Horse eat .......Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ( terrible joke but its all I got)
  5. P

    Sarmsx vs sarms1

    I guess its just different companies, so there is always competition but I have ordered from Sarmsx, mainly because a lot of peeps on here vouch for it and have used it with results. Also I personally find a lot more support and information behind them. I think there was actually a Log done on...
  6. P

    Bitcoin ??

    That's kinda true, should have done that, Market had a nice spike on Tuesday or Wednesday
  7. P

    Congrats MissBizz

    Congrats MissBizz -that is awesome news and all the best for the future to you and your family
  8. P

    Bitcoin ??

    I use coinbase, only down side to it is that if you connect your bank account it takes about 4-6 days to clear the bitcoin purchase and if you use your debt card it only allows a $50 per week purchase.
  9. P

    Cialis domestic source???

    Hit up 9th Wonder for IWGF products...good shit and service
  10. P

    Pharmacom - About Us - Our standards

    Thanks Guyzzz, Will definitely look into it but going to run a sarms cycle first. need to get BF down to 15%
  11. P

    Pharmacom - About Us - Our standards

    Oh ok, I figured as much...they just claim they are direct and basically Pharma. Was just curious, thanks guys
  12. P

    Pharmacom - About Us - Our standards

    Hey Tazz, Don't mean to sound like a broken record but is Basicsteros really part of Pharmacon?
  13. P

    Newbie (Again) & Shout out to 9th Wonder for Speedy Service. IWGF Products

    Thanks Brotha!! Will hit you up for the rest of my supply after I run the Sarms
  14. P

    Newbie (Again) & Shout out to 9th Wonder for Speedy Service. IWGF Products

    Whats up Peeps!! First and foremost - A huge Thanks to 9th Wonder for the Excellent Customer Service and insane speedy delivery on the IWGF PCT stuff I ordered (feels like they have stock in UPS or something) Been following all the posts Best Forum ever. So just want to introduce myself. I am...
  15. P

    Do these sources look fake to you?

    This will be my first post here too and I also kind of hesitated as with other boards they really grill you for questions on sources but honestly everyone seems pretty chilled and very helpful here.
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