
Don't PM me asking a favor with 'Hey'...


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Look you lil' bitch don't fucking PM me with a need starting off 'Hey where can I...' . You don't know me and I ain't your fucking 'hey'. Tell your mother fucking kids 'hey' you fucking contact me and ask respectfully you stupid mother fucker. You ain't gotta kiss my ass, but before the first thing out your mouth is the word 'hey' you better ask yourself if we are 'hey' close, or if you want an answer. Less than 5 posts and I'm your fucking 'hey'? Fuck you bro. If I'm your dog I'll be Cujo and turn on that ass.

The 44

Pharmacom Labs Head Board Rep
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Some ass wad PM'd me and was 'Hey where can I get this'... Who the fuck are you dude? No hey bro whats up I'm looking for some help, just talking to me like I owed his bitch ass something fuck him.

Really RedMorkai??? Rise smart ass.
Some ass wad PM'd me and was 'Hey where can I get this'... Who the fuck are you dude? No hey bro whats up I'm looking for some help, just talking to me like I owed his bitch ass something fuck him.

Really RedMorkai??? Rise smart ass.

lol right, like you owe them some shit or something ? wtf
"Cujo" lmfao! Im glad I hardly pm ppl... People need to start learning how to research for shit before they start demanding for shit.. But HEY im with you on this one! Lol

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I start a lot of PMs with nothing more than Hey in the subject line. Maybe im just disrespectful asf and didn't even realise it. Anything is possible lol. I may rethink how I contact any sources now lol cause if its a source its always with the word hey.

Sometimes it can be hard to approach someone for a conversation. "Hey" makes it easier but i can surely see how someone may find it disrespectful depending on what they have to say.
You know a Hey bro how ya doing? Some shit along those lines not a "hey do this"... seriously> Last I checked I didn't need what you're asking about so be polite at least. Either way fuckem.
You know a Hey bro how ya doing? Some shit along those lines not a "hey do this"... seriously> Last I checked I didn't need what you're asking about so be polite at least. Either way fuckem.

man thats that "hey you, get over here" type shit.. not the way men should communicate, or at least men that respect one another. I say let that shit roll off your back tho bro, one thing ive learned in life is there will always be "that guy over there" short of a THOT
44.... are you on tren again....

Pharmacom Labs Head Board Rep
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if you only knew the shit i get... if you only knew...

i can only imagine the emails you get, just reading the youtube comments "hey dylan, i want to cut, what you think dbol 100mg deca 500mg, but i don't want to run test because i want to cut water" LOL

Pharmacom Labs Head Board Rep
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i can only imagine the emails you get, just reading the youtube comments "hey dylan, i want to cut, what you think dbol 100mg deca 500mg, but i don't want to run test because i want to cut water" LOL

Pharmacom Labs Head Board Re
Official Distributor since 2008
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Are you talking about that new thread of cutting, talking about how var is so good!??? Or is that just timing gone bad??
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