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  1. ZeroToHero

    Mixing compounds yourself?

    I'm pretty sure I know the answer to this already, but just out of curiosity I was wondering if you can mix two compounds into one vial for an easier draw? I am on a Test Cyp+EQ cycle. Both vials have 8ml left in them, so could I draw up all 8ml of the EQ and put it into the Test Cyp vial? Would...
  2. ZeroToHero

    Cycles/Stack for Crossfiters

    Thanks bro! Hard work definitely pays off. I think in a few years I will transition back to full time powerbuilding training again and will just see how strong and jacked I can get :D Cuz I definitely don't want to do 2-3 conditioning sessions every day once I turn 30 lol
  3. ZeroToHero

    Using SARMs as a Bridge

    Well that sounds good to me. I think I'll definitely give it a shot after this cycle finishes and see what happens. Thanks for the input!
  4. ZeroToHero

    Using SARMs as a Bridge

    So basically you're saying its kind of just a risk/reward type of thing, am I right? The SARMs will still suppress your natural levels slightly while you're trying to recover, but the reward is that they help you keep more of your gains from your last cycle and keep you occupied until the next...
  5. ZeroToHero

    Using SARMs as a Bridge

    I've seen a lot of posts here where people have recommended using SARMs as a bridge between cycles. I've got to admit, I really like this idea since being off of aas is the hardest part about doing them. Especially if you run a 16-20 week cycle and you have to take 5 months off. However, I am a...
  6. ZeroToHero

    Cycles/Stack for Crossfiters

    Read through this thread for the last 15 minutes or so and just want to say I've enjoyed the dialogue. As someone who grew up training pure bodybuilding style since I was 14 and turned to CrossFit about four years ago, I think I can offer some unique perspective. I've been on both sides of the...
  7. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    That's really reassuring to know man. I also ran my first test only cycle which I got from napsgear which had a ton of highly rated reviews. But I'm pretty damn sure the Test Cyp I got was massively underdosed as well. I saw almost no results from my cycle at all. So it's good to hear you say...
  8. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Yea I'm pretty pissed off now that I know about this, because I forked over like $350 to run their SARMs Triple Stack last year and didn't really see any gains whatsoever. Only thing I noticed was a bit of a conditioning boost from the GW. The way people over there worshiped I figured...
  9. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Solid advice man, I will definitely give that a try. Thanks!
  10. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Yep. Once I saw that you left I figured that was good enough reason for me never to go back there again. Definitely going to give Phurious Pharma a shot next time I order gear. Thanks for the heads up about Evo too. Probably saved me a good amount of $$ and wasted time.
  11. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    That's good advice bro, thanks. I emailed him earlier today and he got right back to me and didn't actually answer my question about what ester it was. He just said 450mg is a lot to be injecting into my quad and I should pin in the glute next time instead. And he just said to warm the gear up...
  12. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Damn, that's pretty disappointing to hear. On the last forum I was on the review section for Robo was insane. Almost a hundred 5 star reviews of people saying it was the best quality gear they've ever had and experienced no PIP whatsoever. I felt like Robo was a very safe bet. I'm gonna inject...
  13. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Thanks man. I just wish I knew that before I ordered my gear lol. The blend was cheaper than ordering each separately, and I figured it would save me the trouble of having to double draw every time. Guess some lessons you just have to learn the hard way!
  14. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Agreed. And thank you as well for not InstaBanning me :lol:
  15. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Anyways, this was very reassuring advice Phurious. Thank you. And thanks to everyone else who chimed in as well. It's a little bit scary having pain this bad for the first time. I'm sure it'll be fine though. I'm just hoping it goes away enough by tomorrow so I can hit my 5x5 back squats! My...
  16. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Well my apologies if you thought I was cussing at you. I most definitely wasn't. Just a little frustrated to be accused of all this out of nowhere, which I'm sure you can understand. Just want to clear things up so I can get back to discussing my original question. But I do completely agree with...
  17. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    bro wtf? what have I said so far that is cocky? All I've done is come on here humbly asking for advice and thanking everyone who has done so. If what you're saying is true, this is a crazy ass coincidence that you just happened to have talked with a 15 year old kid on another forum with the same...
  18. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Jesus CHRIST lol. I go take a 1 hour nap and come back and this thread has blown the fuck up! First of all, no I am not a fucking 15 year old kid LOL. I've never been on Meso before, I came from Evo where Dylan was before. My username there was Aaron330. I changed my username to "zerotohero"...
  19. ZeroToHero

    Ridiculous PIP. Advice please

    Aaahh...I think you guys nailed it. It is a blend that is 250mg/200mg of test/eq per ML. So thats 450mg of compound per ml. I've read online that I can order sterile oil and cut it 50:50 with my blend to ease the pain. You guys ever heard of doing that?
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