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  1. W

    Urgent PCT help...

    Holy smokes come on bro u gotta be smarter than this using gear so young smh
  2. W

    Hopping Off! PCT!!

    My bad bro I got confused for some reason about PCT and when to start it. Always appericate the advice. Waiting a full 2 weeks beore starting PCT. Just hit a bench PR 10 days removed from my last shot so feeling good about that
  3. W

    Hopping Off! PCT!!

    I started taking clomid and nolva just 5 days after my shot since i wanna recover as soon as possible. is that fine
  4. W

    Hopping Off! PCT!!

    Sounds good brother, and how soon should i start taking everything after my last shot ?
  5. W

    Hopping Off! PCT!!

    Alright guys i'm ending my Test E and Eq cycle a little earlier than I wanted to becuase I have some personal things to take care of and won't be able to gym and diet like I want to. For pct I'll be using - Nolva 40/40/20/20 Clomid 50/50/25/25 POST CT ORGAN support Aromasin 12.5mg EOD MK-2866...
  6. W

    Upset Stomach Tbol

    Also talking with derrick from more plates more dates he told me that running an a liver support can potentially hinder the efficacy of the oral steroids. Your guys thoughts on that??
  7. W

    Upset Stomach Tbol

    Bro I ordered Organ St few days ago so it should be coming
  8. W

    Upset Stomach Tbol

    Running Tudca bro, that's it
  9. W


    Do i have to use HCG or can I just use clomid and Nolva for PCT adter my TEST E, EQ, and Tbol cycle? I've used just clomid and Nolva with DGA POST CT and have recovered fine after my test only cycle
  10. W

    Upset Stomach Tbol

    Damn kinda regretting choosing Tbol although I've noticed some very good size gainz in only 10 days. Kinda wishing I went with Winstrol instead, is that more toxic than Tbol?
  11. W

    Upset Stomach Tbol

    Also i've been feeling lethargic and kinda tired throughout the day while on T bol Is that cuz it's an oral too?
  12. W

    Upset Stomach Tbol

    Damn I've been getting great results from it so won't be stopping it but that really sucks that it fucks with your appetite. You guys know of any easy ways to get calories in
  13. W

    Upset Stomach Tbol

    So I'm on week 7 of my EQ and Test E cycle and started Tbol at 50 mg on week 6 and have used it for two weeks now. I've noticed that my stomach is upset a lot more of late and I feel like vomiting at times after bigger meals. I'm a lot less hungrier than I usually am even tho I don't have a big...
  14. W

    Tbol dosing

    Ok. Is running t bol 5 weeks or 6 weeks better?
  15. W

    Tbol dosing

    Does T bol need to be split into 2 doses, One in the AM and one in the PM or Can I just take the 60 mgs in the morning
  16. W

    Adding Another compound

    okay what about cycle support dylan??
  17. W

    Adding Another compound

    I decieded to go with Winstrol bro at 60 mg a day. My friend was saying I can go 75 mg a day no problem but it seems a bit exxesive and wanted your input before i do anything. Is 60 mg good?
  18. W

    Cycle support

    Is Tudca enough for adequate cycle support to be running with winstrol or Tbol? Is there soemthing else I should be using
  19. W


    Nothing diffferent in my diet or lifestyle, I'll have the doc take a look and see if i can get a diagnosis
  20. W


    appericate the feedback
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