Hey man I just watched your 2 part series on HGH pros/cons of use on YouTube. Thanks for posting it man and sharing your knowledge. My cousin is an Army Special Forces soldier and swears some of his buddies have had major quick recoveries from using HGH after some horrific injuries in battle. He recommended it to me for improved overall health and maybe to get me back on my feet from persistent lower back issues and being sedentary for the last 10 years. I truly feel defeated and weak and need help feeling alive again. My diet and exercise has sucked my whole life also, although I’m changing that slowly now. Age seems to be catching up to me now and all of my bad eating, sleeping and lack of exercise habits have me way behind where I would like to be now.
I’m a business owner myself (Sales with a pretty sedentary lifestyle since 2005 when I started my business). In 2005 I was roughly 215-225 lbs. and really my whole adult life (moderately fit/mostly rode mountain bikes to stay healthy) then I started my business, stopped all exercise, picked up the fork and gained 50lbs over the last ten years (I’m 43 now at 280 lbs.!!). My doctors have told me I have metabolic syndrome and need to lower my sugar and sodium intake. They recommend the Mediterranean diet or just low carbs and no sugar, exercise, etc.
So my desire now is to get my shit together, lose weight by eating better and exercising as much as possible but I have ZERO energy and even if I find I have energy I seem to injure my back rather easily, and feel so effin fatigued man! I had lower back nerve block injections 3 times last year to keep myself going. They do help me by the way but I still have to be very careful with it or I’ll be bed ridden for at least days or sometimes longer.
I took synthetic Testosterone (prescribed to me by my Doc for about one year in 2014, then I just decided to stop, I was just worried about long term risks using this synthetic substance) So after a year of being off T injections I went back to my urologist just 3 weeks ago who has now put me on HCG (1.5ml 3x week for 4 weeks, to “kick start” my nuts working again producing Testosterone he says) and also take half of a 50mg Clomid pill twice a week forever after to keep my T levels up. I like this more natural approach to a normal testosterone level of hopefully around 800-900. Without help my T levels will vary from 200-300. But since I just started this method we don’t know yet where I am (I go do labs again next week to see). Anyway I’m hoping raising the T levels again will help me feel better again also. But also hoping HGH can get me further than the Testosterone alone.
Ok so my questions are below regarding HGH. Just wanted to give you some background on me first.
1. If I’m borderline Type 2 diabetic or have Metabolic Syndrome will taking HGH help that or make it worse?
2. Where can I buy good quality HGH? How does one verify it is legit? My cousin in the ARMY said his buddies told him to tell me to go to NAPSGEAR.ORG and to buy a brand called Hygetropin. Your thoughts?
3. I understand ml’s best since that’s what is on the syringes! What dosage is enough to be safe, yet see good results? I want to lose 50lbs and get really fit for once in my life! Just want to have some nice muscles and feel well but not be a real serious body builder.
4. How long should a cycle be for someone like me?
5. I basically have no muscle mass now, if I exercise moderately (3x week for an hour) will I see big results over the cycle? I just want definition and a flat stomach again. Would love for my wife to notice me in shape once again.
6. Any recommendations on Cardio vs. Weights? Any programs you recommend? I have a nice home gym collecting dust right now.
Bro I'm sorry for this lengthy and wordy message, I’m just desperate for help and you seemed to be a trustworthy person just trying to help in the video. Any advice you have for me is welcomed! Thanks in advance for your help.
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Hey man I just watched your 2 part series on HGH pros/cons of use on YouTube. Thanks for posting it man and sharing your knowledge. My cousin is an Army Special Forces soldier and swears some of his buddies have had major quick recoveries from using HGH after some horrific injuries in battle. He recommended it to me for improved overall health and maybe to get me back on my feet from persistent lower back issues and being sedentary for the last 10 years. I truly feel defeated and weak and need help feeling alive again. My diet and exercise has sucked my whole life also, although I’m changing that slowly now. Age seems to be catching up to me now and all of my bad eating, sleeping and lack of exercise habits have me way behind where I would like to be now.
I’m a business owner myself (Sales with a pretty sedentary lifestyle since 2005 when I started my business). In 2005 I was roughly 215-225 lbs. and really my whole adult life (moderately fit/mostly rode mountain bikes to stay healthy) then I started my business, stopped all exercise, picked up the fork and gained 50lbs over the last ten years (I’m 43 now at 280 lbs.!!). My doctors have told me I have metabolic syndrome and need to lower my sugar and sodium intake. They recommend the Mediterranean diet or just low carbs and no sugar, exercise, etc.
So my desire now is to get my shit together, lose weight by eating better and exercising as much as possible but I have ZERO energy and even if I find I have energy I seem to injure my back rather easily, and feel so effin fatigued man! I had lower back nerve block injections 3 times last year to keep myself going. They do help me by the way but I still have to be very careful with it or I’ll be bed ridden for at least days or sometimes longer.
I took synthetic Testosterone (prescribed to me by my Doc for about one year in 2014, then I just decided to stop, I was just worried about long term risks using this synthetic substance) So after a year of being off T injections I went back to my urologist just 3 weeks ago who has now put me on HCG (1.5ml 3x week for 4 weeks, to “kick start” my nuts working again producing Testosterone he says) and also take half of a 50mg Clomid pill twice a week forever after to keep my T levels up. I like this more natural approach to a normal testosterone level of hopefully around 800-900. Without help my T levels will vary from 200-300. But since I just started this method we don’t know yet where I am (I go do labs again next week to see). Anyway I’m hoping raising the T levels again will help me feel better again also. But also hoping HGH can get me further than the Testosterone alone.
Ok so my questions are below regarding HGH. Just wanted to give you some background on me first.
1. If I’m borderline Type 2 diabetic or have Metabolic Syndrome will taking HGH help that or make it worse?
2. Where can I buy good quality HGH? How does one verify it is legit? My cousin in the ARMY said his buddies told him to tell me to go to NAPSGEAR.ORG and to buy a brand called Hygetropin. Your thoughts?
3. I understand ml’s best since that’s what is on the syringes! What dosage is enough to be safe, yet see good results? I want to lose 50lbs and get really fit for once in my life! Just want to have some nice muscles and feel well but not be a real serious body builder.
4. How long should a cycle be for someone like me?
5. I basically have no muscle mass now, if I exercise moderately (3x week for an hour) will I see big results over the cycle? I just want definition and a flat stomach again. Would love for my wife to notice me in shape once again.
6. Any recommendations on Cardio vs. Weights? Any programs you recommend? I have a nice home gym collecting dust right now.
Bro I'm sorry for this lengthy and wordy message, I’m just desperate for help and you seemed to be a trustworthy person just trying to help in the video. Any advice you have for me is welcomed! Thanks in advance for your help.
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