Hey guys just thought I'd write my comparisons down here get right to it-
Ran a 12 week cycle of a super stack in capsule form from a company called dna anabolics- osta, s4,GW, and nutrobal
First day of 12 week pure essence super stack
Lgd s4 GW and Osta
Might add in nutrobal in capsule form or if pure essence gets it anytime soon
Experience from first cycle strength gains through the roof and adding weight every week most from s4 im assuming ran 50mg for 10 weeks last 2 weeks at 75mg and had some vision side effects my eyes felt dialated at times going from a light room to dark room for instance and so fourth..
I was loving it gaining strength and getting compliments on the regular am I bulking up?? But I was in a caloric deficit very low carb and high protein diet
My pct I ran is by vital labs I love it for Sarm use I kept all my gains maybe lost a bit of strength
Ran pct for 3 weeks and 1 week off
This is where it got weird though..
At about week 8 or 9 I was experiencing pain while urinating and thigh and groin pain..
I was at the doctors about 4 times
Ultra sound said nothing doctor said nothing
I know what you guys will think but not an std or urinary tract! Tested for all of those!
In the back of my mind I knew it was these capsules but I didn't want to stop because of the results I was experiencing in the gym and the pain continued very stupid of me
I cut the capsules out at week 12 and the sides immediately stopped with mild groin pain still from squats or bent over rows im assuming..
Everything came to a stop
Now I'm a bulking diet with 3000+ Cals and hoping to gain mass and strength on this cycle today is my first day I will post daily feelings and results and numbers
Here is. A picture of a little I ran and nows cycle
Sorry for the bad grammar and typing in a rush[FLEXED BICEPS][FLEXED BICEPS][VICTORY HAND]?[VICTORY HAND]?[VICTORY HAND]?
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Ran a 12 week cycle of a super stack in capsule form from a company called dna anabolics- osta, s4,GW, and nutrobal
First day of 12 week pure essence super stack
Lgd s4 GW and Osta
Might add in nutrobal in capsule form or if pure essence gets it anytime soon
Experience from first cycle strength gains through the roof and adding weight every week most from s4 im assuming ran 50mg for 10 weeks last 2 weeks at 75mg and had some vision side effects my eyes felt dialated at times going from a light room to dark room for instance and so fourth..
I was loving it gaining strength and getting compliments on the regular am I bulking up?? But I was in a caloric deficit very low carb and high protein diet
My pct I ran is by vital labs I love it for Sarm use I kept all my gains maybe lost a bit of strength
Ran pct for 3 weeks and 1 week off
This is where it got weird though..
At about week 8 or 9 I was experiencing pain while urinating and thigh and groin pain..
I was at the doctors about 4 times
Ultra sound said nothing doctor said nothing
I know what you guys will think but not an std or urinary tract! Tested for all of those!
In the back of my mind I knew it was these capsules but I didn't want to stop because of the results I was experiencing in the gym and the pain continued very stupid of me
I cut the capsules out at week 12 and the sides immediately stopped with mild groin pain still from squats or bent over rows im assuming..
Everything came to a stop
Now I'm a bulking diet with 3000+ Cals and hoping to gain mass and strength on this cycle today is my first day I will post daily feelings and results and numbers
Here is. A picture of a little I ran and nows cycle
Sorry for the bad grammar and typing in a rush[FLEXED BICEPS][FLEXED BICEPS][VICTORY HAND]?[VICTORY HAND]?[VICTORY HAND]?

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