Age: 45
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180
Body fat: 12%
Years of training: Since 14 years old, with a few multi year breaks. Currently on a 6 year streak.
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run): AAS - none, SARMs see below.
PCT for each cycle: n/a
Goals - healing, strength, muscle gain, fitness
Supplements (if any) - whey, weight gainer, creatine, multi, pre-workout
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???) - no allergies, my diet - veg & fruit with every meal, after that I concentrate on meat, eggs, whole milk - if its got protein, fat and calories, I'm in.
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.) - just the usual wear and tear on the joints
A little background - last August my elbow started acting up. Over the course of a few weeks it just got worse and worse. Did the anti-inflamatories, rest and ice with not much improvement. By October, I'm not even able to work around it as it hurts like hell just to bend my arm. This is when I started my research into possibly using AAS to help heal it. That looked like a dead end, but lead me to discover SARMs. I took a month and a half off the gym, during which I went from 190 to 170 lbs
Decided to give MK-2866 a shot after reading about the healing abilities and Dylan Gemmelli's videos on the product.
Dipped my toes in the water with a 4 week run. I started 3.5 weeks ago - 25mg daily, last day will be this Sunday.
The results have been, to me, astonishing. One week in my elbow pain was starting to subside, to the point where it's 95% pain free right now. By the end of week 2 I'd put 10 lbs on, which is where I've stayed. Strength increases have been steady and I'm getting more defined.
Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time - WTF kinda voodoo shit is this? Now, I know I'm rebuilding, but this is faster than any rebuild in the past. My work capacity is far beyond anything I've experience before. At the end of my workouts I feel like I could go on for another hour. It's crazy.
.....and this is where my questions start....
My plan is to run DAA for two weeks starting this weekend, followed by 2 weeks off anything, then starting another SARMs cycle. Am I way off base with this?
For follow up cycles, would repeating what I've done now be a legit approach - 4 weeks on, 2 weeks DAA, 2 weeks off, repeat? I like the idea of short cycles even if I'm leaving some gains on the table, just to be on the safe side. Am I out to lunch here? Would I be better off running a longer cycle?
Would it be worth alternating cycles between MK-2866 and something stronger like LGD-4033 to build a bit more mass or is that a stupid idea? Can these two SARMs be effectively stacked? Would a 5mg/day addition of LGD to my MK cycle make any difference at all?
Is a 4 week cycle of LGD a waste of time or would I still see some benefit? Is a PCT required for a low dose, low duration cycle?
And finally, a thank you to the forum owner, Dylan, without seeing your vids I never would have known about MK-2866. I'm absolutely blown away by this stuff.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 180
Body fat: 12%
Years of training: Since 14 years old, with a few multi year breaks. Currently on a 6 year streak.
Complete cycle history (compounds, doses, lengths of time, when they were run): AAS - none, SARMs see below.
PCT for each cycle: n/a
Goals - healing, strength, muscle gain, fitness
Supplements (if any) - whey, weight gainer, creatine, multi, pre-workout
General idea of nutrition (any food allergies???) - no allergies, my diet - veg & fruit with every meal, after that I concentrate on meat, eggs, whole milk - if its got protein, fat and calories, I'm in.
Any other relevant info (injuries, surgeries you've had, etc.) - just the usual wear and tear on the joints
A little background - last August my elbow started acting up. Over the course of a few weeks it just got worse and worse. Did the anti-inflamatories, rest and ice with not much improvement. By October, I'm not even able to work around it as it hurts like hell just to bend my arm. This is when I started my research into possibly using AAS to help heal it. That looked like a dead end, but lead me to discover SARMs. I took a month and a half off the gym, during which I went from 190 to 170 lbs

Decided to give MK-2866 a shot after reading about the healing abilities and Dylan Gemmelli's videos on the product.
Dipped my toes in the water with a 4 week run. I started 3.5 weeks ago - 25mg daily, last day will be this Sunday.
The results have been, to me, astonishing. One week in my elbow pain was starting to subside, to the point where it's 95% pain free right now. By the end of week 2 I'd put 10 lbs on, which is where I've stayed. Strength increases have been steady and I'm getting more defined.
Losing fat and gaining muscle at the same time - WTF kinda voodoo shit is this? Now, I know I'm rebuilding, but this is faster than any rebuild in the past. My work capacity is far beyond anything I've experience before. At the end of my workouts I feel like I could go on for another hour. It's crazy.
.....and this is where my questions start....
My plan is to run DAA for two weeks starting this weekend, followed by 2 weeks off anything, then starting another SARMs cycle. Am I way off base with this?
For follow up cycles, would repeating what I've done now be a legit approach - 4 weeks on, 2 weeks DAA, 2 weeks off, repeat? I like the idea of short cycles even if I'm leaving some gains on the table, just to be on the safe side. Am I out to lunch here? Would I be better off running a longer cycle?
Would it be worth alternating cycles between MK-2866 and something stronger like LGD-4033 to build a bit more mass or is that a stupid idea? Can these two SARMs be effectively stacked? Would a 5mg/day addition of LGD to my MK cycle make any difference at all?
Is a 4 week cycle of LGD a waste of time or would I still see some benefit? Is a PCT required for a low dose, low duration cycle?
And finally, a thank you to the forum owner, Dylan, without seeing your vids I never would have known about MK-2866. I'm absolutely blown away by this stuff.