
Your favorite Pre workouts.....

I liked it before they took out the synephrine. ACG3 is good and prejim sounds good. Citrulline gives me excruciating pumps though.

ACG3 used to be my go-to. Ive tried maybe 15 or so pre-WOs and I responded best to this. I gave a few sample to friends and some didnt like it. To each his own though. It seems like a lot of pre-WOs put a tiny bit of this and a tiny bit of that so they can put it on the label and then just add stims so it feels like it works. Again, we all have our preferences.

I have been using PreJym for quite some time. Lots of great "clinically dosed" ingredients and not loaded with stims beside caffeine. Price is a bit higher, but then again there are some extra ingredients and some are in greater quantities than the "micro, baby scoop, pre-WOs".
ACG3 used to be my go-to. Ive tried maybe 15 or so pre-WOs and I responded best to this. I gave a few sample to friends and some didnt like it. To each his own though. It seems like a lot of pre-WOs put a tiny bit of this and a tiny bit of that so they can put it on the label and then just add stims so it feels like it works. Again, we all have our preferences.

I have been using PreJym for quite some time. Lots of great "clinically dosed" ingredients and not loaded with stims beside caffeine. Price is a bit higher, but then again there are some extra ingredients and some are in greater quantities than the "micro, baby scoop, pre-WOs".

ACG3 has krealkalyn in it doesn't it?
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ACG3 has krealkalyn in it doesn't it?

It has a blend of like 3 creatines for 3g (2 scoop serving) but I dont think KreAlkalyn is one of them. If you take one scoop it is kinda underdosed in most ingredients, like most pre-WOs, but for some reason my body responded well to this one. I would use 1 scoop and then would increase as needed. When I reached about 1.5-1.75 scoops, I would take time off.

Like I said, I use PreJym now and throw in about an extra gram of Beta Alanine. My focus seems to be better so I added a separate dose of huperzine A recently to see its affects......just a little experiment. ts really up to what you are looking for in ingredients and also how your body responds to the different compounds and blends.
So I know we all have our favorite preworkouts. I'd like to hear what my Adrenaline Rush family likes.

Me personally, I kinda make my own. I'll use Muscletech Neurocore, or C4, or something like that as a base... I'll add 4grams beta alanine, 4 grams arginine, 1 gram acetyl carnitine, 3 grams leucine, 5 grams creatine and some days some carbs depending on the workout.
What do you enjoy? Do you like SARMS, Test, other gear preworkout?? How do you like it?

I loved Neurocore before they changed the formula back in 2011 or something. Great focus and intensity. Now my go to is Mr. Hyde. I need the jitters when I try to get pumped to lift.
I'm fairly immune to most stimulants nowadays but 5% nutrition's 5150 has been by far my favorite and one that is genuinely a single scoop as opposed to C4 which quickly turns into 3-4 scoops per gym session
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