My Stats: 26/5"8/188lbs/approx 16% bf. My goal is recomp.
Weeks 1-12 NPP and Test P at 100mg EOD
Weeks 1-12 Adex 0.5mg E3D
Weeks 1-8 S4 50mg ED, 5 on 2 off
Weeks 1-8 GW501516 20MG ED
Weeks 13-17 - PCT - Nolva 40/40/20/20, Clomid 50/50/25/25
Weeks 10-17 MK-2866 20MG ED
- Vitamin E and B6 for prolactin control with caber on hand just in case.
This is my second cycle. My first comprised 500mg Test E a week with 0.5mg Adex E3D for 18 weeks. I had no sides apart from body hair growth and a bit of acne.
Currently I'm 10 days into the cycle and my energy, stamina and sex drive is up as well as my strength (maybe 10%). I am getting vision sides from s4 at a moderate level which is tolerable. I'm just starting to notice size gains however I'm not getting the strength I was expecting. As far as I understand, NPP and S4 can both provide significant strength increases.
I would like to know if it's worth running the S4/GW501516 for the full 12 weeks (I have only bought enough for 8 thus far) and whether or not it's just too early to notice the strength from NPP? I ask because my understanding is that with NPP being a short ester, it should have kicked in by now, and if so it's quite underwhelming; making it tempting for me to jump on tren a instead.
Weeks 1-12 NPP and Test P at 100mg EOD
Weeks 1-12 Adex 0.5mg E3D
Weeks 1-8 S4 50mg ED, 5 on 2 off
Weeks 1-8 GW501516 20MG ED
Weeks 13-17 - PCT - Nolva 40/40/20/20, Clomid 50/50/25/25
Weeks 10-17 MK-2866 20MG ED
- Vitamin E and B6 for prolactin control with caber on hand just in case.
This is my second cycle. My first comprised 500mg Test E a week with 0.5mg Adex E3D for 18 weeks. I had no sides apart from body hair growth and a bit of acne.
Currently I'm 10 days into the cycle and my energy, stamina and sex drive is up as well as my strength (maybe 10%). I am getting vision sides from s4 at a moderate level which is tolerable. I'm just starting to notice size gains however I'm not getting the strength I was expecting. As far as I understand, NPP and S4 can both provide significant strength increases.
I would like to know if it's worth running the S4/GW501516 for the full 12 weeks (I have only bought enough for 8 thus far) and whether or not it's just too early to notice the strength from NPP? I ask because my understanding is that with NPP being a short ester, it should have kicked in by now, and if so it's quite underwhelming; making it tempting for me to jump on tren a instead.