When you are on cycle the only important thing is to take advantage when it hits. You will be stronger, so you make sure and use more weight and/or more sets and /or more reps. I usually go to a grueling 8x8 routine that is heavy duty.So I add weight and sets, but do less reps. I like the fact that whie I am strong I use all new larger amounts of weight. I still use my fav exercise, lke bent barbel rows,lat pull downs,preacher curls,alternating dumbell curls,etc. Still my big power moves,squats,deads, some dumb inclines.It makes it more fun to use your fav exercises and yet use all time new high weights. That right there tickles me in the tummy!
The next most important thing...to me, is to be sure I get 2-3 grams of protein per lb. I am 210lbs so right around 250 grams per day.Then I graze on salads,fruit,oats,nuts etc.