I've injected winstrol during cycle before and honestly it knots in my muscle and is sore for days, also I have taken it but am always cautious of my liver. My question is can I use is rectally to avoid it hitting my liver like an oral. Yes I know this sounds ridiculous but I like winstrol and my liver and was hoping that rectally could be a cheat that would be beneficial as injection without the liver problems of orals. Also Test Decanoate, what's the deal with this? I previously bought a test blend with Decanoate and unlike other esters this one blew me up big-time, I gained about 25 pounds, felt strong as an ox and overall great, but no hornyness and my face was red and puffy. Why? Cyp and E were the other 2 tests in the blend. Had both before never packed weight on like that.
Dylan I ment winstrol suspended, like dude if I drink it it hits my liver if I put it in the back door it misses my liver. Is this a thing bro? I'm trying to save my liver I've had problems with it before. My question is very serious bro
Dylan I ment winstrol suspended, like dude if I drink it it hits my liver if I put it in the back door it misses my liver. Is this a thing bro? I'm trying to save my liver I've had problems with it before. My question is very serious bro