


New member
Found your video on Winstrol and it helped out

I am 26 I weight 190 pounds I'm 5'9 I have a belly I'm trying to lose an also get ripped on my arms

My goal is to be 170 and have abs

I just joined a gym and also am going to start eating good

I am ordering 50mg tablets for 6 week cycle with just Winstrol alone

Let me know if that will work
Found your video on Winstrol and it helped out

I am 26 I weight 190 pounds I'm 5'9 I have a belly I'm trying to lose an also get ripped on my arms

My goal is to be 170 and have abs

I just joined a gym and also am going to start eating good

I am ordering 50mg tablets for 6 week cycle with just Winstrol alone

Let me know if that will work
One if you found a video of Dylan you should know he states in multiple videos and on here as well as many others on here to never run an oral only cycle without a test base. If this is your first cycle it would be recommended to just run test to see what sides you get before jumping into orals, which are typically toxic to the liver.

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Ok... Listen up bro

Winstrol has NOTHING to do with helping your abs show
Winstrol is used by guys with low body fat full definition on abs when the are
Dieting in a caloric deficit.... It helps them from losing muscle
It only helps harden up the muscle they already have
It does NOT "cut" fat or get you ripped
DIET does that and Winny helps you not to lose some of your muscle will doing it
Found your video on Winstrol and it helped out

I am 26 I weight 190 pounds I'm 5'9 I have a belly I'm trying to lose an also get ripped on my arms

My goal is to be 170 and have abs

I just joined a gym and also am going to start eating good

I am ordering 50mg tablets for 6 week cycle with just Winstrol alone

Let me know if that will work

bro, this is flat out what gives steroids a bad name... people that do what you do... your completely out of shape... you have not even trained before... you are not willing to do anything on your own and you "think" that steroids are going to magically put you into shape... thats just a shame and its quite sad to be honest... im just gong to tell you what you need to hear... its tough love but you deserve it... steroids are NOT for people fat, out of shape, etc... NOT FAT BURNERS... ARE NOT MAGIC PILLS, are not for anyone who has not put in years and years of natural diet and training first, are you doing the math... basically everything listed is what you having going so the average is not so much in your favor as in, not at all... you have NO BUSINESS WHATSOEVER talking about nor being around steroids... bro, stop living in a fantasy.... steroids DO NOT get someone out of shape ripped.. come on man! they also do not lose weight... whatever someone has filled your head with or whatever illusions you have created on your own, clearly you have no idea what your doing here.. that alone is beyond dangerous, without even touching on anything else i have pointed out... you need to be a man and get in there for years and work at it and push yourself and reach your full genetic potential, which takes A VERY VERY LONG TIME... i trained over 10 years before i even toyed with the idea of using anything...

i have alternatives for you... they will absolutely help and are more suited for you but you need to understand that you can't depend on anything to do the work for you or you will get nowhere.. plus its just so disgustingly lazy to think you can take some magic pills and they do the work for you... even the most well conditioned athletes bust their asses day in and day out.. steroids dont put in the hard work it takes... without the hard work and consistency, steroids dont do a fraction of what they can and you will further hurt yourself for using steroids while being overweight... be a real man and make the sacrifices and dedicate yourself to what you want or you will never achieve it... if you dont bust your ass like this, steroids will never take you anywhere... i urge you not to learn the hard way but if you continue, you will learn...

read my articles on sarms here...

here is a cycle layout that is perfect for you as well as the link on where to get everything you need... it is the enhanced super stack and mini pct stack... and

1-12 rad140 20 mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 sr9009 30 mg day... 5 mg split doses 2-3 hours apart
1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW-510516 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout and non workout days, all at once in the a.m.
9-12 d aspartic acid

Mini pct 13-16

clomid 50/25/25/25
gw-501516 20 mg day
You don't ever run oral steroids without a test base, and right now you are in no shape to use them. Also steroids are not fat burners, and are not going to get you "ripped".

I wouldn't recommend any steroid to you. For the goals you have your best bet is to run a sarms stack from to help you lean out and build muscle and strength

Here is the stack I would recommend to you

1-12 S4 50 mg day... split doses... 25 mg in the a.m. and 25 mg in the p.m.
1-12 GW-510516 (CARDARINE) 20 mg day… dosed all at once 30 minutes before workout…
1-12 RAD-140 20mg day dosed once a day in the a.m.
1-12 SR-9009 30mg per day (5mg dosed 6 times every 2-3 hours)


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
I just joined a gym and also am going to start eating good

If you stick around here for awhile you will see how backwards this is
You use steroids AFTER you have firmly established a constant and dedicated diet and work out regime
I commend you on starting to take charge of your health.... Stick with it
But please put steroids out of your mind.. It a long road to haul before they would be of any benefit to you
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by all means, its absolutely awesome that you are putting yourself in the gym and wanting to take control of things... THAT is something you have spot on... everything else though, please read all the posts and see how far off you are in that aspect...
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