
which sarm touse?


New member
Hey guys,

I am 29, 176 pounds, 5-10 and relatively lean but not all abs coming through yet. and I want to jump on some sarms for the next couple of months but just curious as to which one to use??
i want to lean and build lean muscle so no bulk here.

Any help would be welcomed....cheers!
Hey guys,

I am 29, 176 pounds, 5-10 and relatively lean but not all abs coming through yet. and I want to jump on some sarms for the next couple of months but just curious as to which one to use??
i want to lean and build lean muscle so no bulk here.

Any help would be welcomed....cheers!
I have the perfect stack for you for your goals bro. Get everything you need from

1-12 rad-140 20mg per day dosed in the am
1-12 S4 50mg per day split 25mg am and 25mg 4-6 hours later
1-12 GW 20mg per day dosed 30 minutes pre workout


Clomid 50/25/25/25
GW 20mg per day
Cheers for that. I was thinking about just running LGD 4033 for two months... thoughts?

Also I didn't know I would need a pct after sarms?
if you want to build lean muscle but no bulk, then why pick lgd, which is the biggest bulker for sarms... sarms DO require a mini pct... who told you that you do not need a pct? there are three that are non suppressive that if ran together or alone would not need pct... gw501516, sr9009 and mk677... has the highest quality you can find and i stand by that a million percent
Cheers for that. I was thinking about just running LGD 4033 for two months... thoughts?

Also I didn't know I would need a pct after sarms?
You'll want to run 12 weeks at least bud. You can do that Lgd solo if you'd like for bulking. It is suppressive so it still requires a pct, which is the same one I posted above
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