if you are not going to run these the right way, i wouldnt waste time or money on them... they dont even peak until week 8... you want to run 12 week cycles... there's a 25% off sale at sarms.forsale so clearly cost wont be the issue, its just a matter of getting you to listen and do it the right way
ok so 12 weeks.. so i should start with both of them at the same time, i was watching greg doucette, dont know if you like him or hate him.. and if you dont like him, i apologize for bringing him up, but he was saying only start off with the s4 for rad and bring the GW in half through the cycle to add the push and do both on the last half... is that wrong information... i should just do both the whole time, or your have the same view or difference in opinion on this.. FYI i would be watching your videos, and i got on your site, but do to the limited videos you have now its hard to cypher through all. on a positive not i am goign to school to be a software engineer and my plan is when i get enoug hexperience is to create a youtube like think called freesppechtube which will allow you to post anything you want with no resterictions except for blatent racisism or super negative stuff like that.