
When you wait forever on a source

Roids24 will ship to you in 10-14 days. Great tren with brands like radjay and vermodje.

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I think I'm going to have to try some of these sources out on my next paycheck. And he never called back yesterday. Gonna bother him more today lol lets see how it goes... Hopefully some luck but doubtful. I even messaged him on fb and it said he was active 10min ago just now! And I messaged him yesterday! So he's ignoring me obviously...
How far away is this guy. Seriously. My friends did this? They'd have me on the front porch asking questions.
Although he must be at some distance since he's mailing it... Nvm lol

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Just let things be for a bit. Most times clear minds prevail. There is no way to know what's happening on his end and in the end you have had good results with this guy. Order from someone here, I would say phurious but I'm biased that they one I order from but all the sponsors deserve business I'm sure. Let him know you are there waiting and maybe patience will pay off with some added extras or maybe you get totally fucked and never deal with him again but it's always best not to burn a bridge if you don't have to.

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How far away is this guy. Seriously. My friends did this? They'd have me on the front porch asking questions.
Although he must be at some distance since he's mailing it... Nvm lol

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He's way far away lol
Just let things be for a bit. Most times clear minds prevail. There is no way to know what's happening on his end and in the end you have had good results with this guy. Order from someone here, I would say phurious but I'm biased that they one I order from but all the sponsors deserve business I'm sure. Let him know you are there waiting and maybe patience will pay off with some added extras or maybe you get totally fucked and never deal with him again but it's always best not to burn a bridge if you don't have to.

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Im keeping chill. I'm not cussing him out but I will call him and ask questions especially if he's going to call me and literally tell me on 4 or more occasions he will be sending this day and then no it changes to that day and etc... So it's hard to keep my cool when that bullshit is going on. And me messaging him on Facebook and him purposely ignoring it is a red flag
Dude trust me when I tell you I understand. It happens to all of us. Personally I wouldn't call him for 7 days, maybe text him and let him know you are there and waiting. Maybe some bullshit, hope you are ok or something but just a reminder you are there and then if that didn't completely tap your account for that stuff, order from a sponsor here. Phurious has an exceptional name and quality gear but brother Robo and Pharmalady and exp and all the other have stellar names and gear as well. Dylan would not allow a junk man/woman to be here peddling lies or bunk. Dudes mom may be sick or wife or kids and he is just shooting out bullshit to keep you at bey for a minute while he gets that shit fixed maybe not maybe he is a total douche and is fucking you but if that's the case. Out his ass here and make him know you have outed him to a group of people that are serious about gear.

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Just keep it kind, be the better man. You can always say that you would like your money back as well. There is nothing wrong with asking that. But keep in touch and well find a ways to make things better from here on out! Promise.
Just keep it kind, be the better man. You can always say that you would like your money back as well. There is nothing wrong with asking that. But keep in touch and well find a ways to make things better from here on out! Promise.

I probably will ask for it back at this point. Next time he says he's sending I will feel like its doubtful. I'm just getting told what I want to hear..
Dude trust me when I tell you I understand. It happens to all of us. Personally I wouldn't call him for 7 days, maybe text him and let him know you are there and waiting. Maybe some bullshit, hope you are ok or something but just a reminder you are there and then if that didn't completely tap your account for that stuff, order from a sponsor here. Phurious has an exceptional name and quality gear but brother Robo and Pharmalady and exp and all the other have stellar names and gear as well. Dylan would not allow a junk man/woman to be here peddling lies or bunk. Dudes mom may be sick or wife or kids and he is just shooting out bullshit to keep you at bey for a minute while he gets that shit fixed maybe not maybe he is a total douche and is fucking you but if that's the case. Out his ass here and make him know you have outed him to a group of people that are serious about gear.

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I've been blowing up his phone just hoping for a answer I will never get. That's a good idea you have... I'll give it a try and just leave him be and see what he does about the situation. I know he'll get back to me eventually, I know him by now. he fiddle dally's around on a lot on orders I've put in.
So I have a chef I know who is a friend of mine and I'm starting to get pretty annoyed. I sent him $345 over 2 weeks ago and he's been saying he's Gonna send it on this day and blah blah well I haven't got anything yet and he keeps saying he'll send it this day. This week he said he was gonna send it Tuesday but he hasn't quite obviously because I haven't got anything. I'm curious of any sources around here who have quick shipping. I need tren and test ASAP

Man dude, yeah that sounds like a run around. not a good friend....pharmalady has a special on Tren E right now. super fast shipping and top notch quality. see my signature below
Man dude, yeah that sounds like a run around. not a good friend....pharmalady has a special on Tren E right now. super fast shipping and top notch quality. see my signature below

I'd have to wait to order from anyone until about 2 weeks when I get paid :/ and I'm running low which blows. I hope this guy gets me my money back soon... I'll never order from him again at this point tho. I'm done with this source
I'd have to wait to order from anyone until about 2 weeks when I get paid :/ and I'm running low which blows. I hope this guy gets me my money back soon... I'll never order from him again at this point tho. I'm done with this source

the special lasts until the end of november if you are interested.

but yeah i would suggest the same, do NOT order from him again. and if something bad happened, if he was a true profession and a good man, he would communicate to his customers and let them know what happened, NOT ignore them or avoid them. that is just shady..
the special lasts until the end of november if you are interested.

but yeah i would suggest the same, do NOT order from him again. and if something bad happened, if he was a true profession and a good man, he would communicate to his customers and let them know what happened, NOT ignore them or avoid them. that is just shady..

I got a text from him today saying he would be calling me. He said he was out of town and blah blah. This is actually what happened the last time he wasn't answering my calls. But what is bullshit is he says he leaves town and thats why it couldn't get out, when he could make it more of a priority and get it out before he leaves!! This same bullshit has happened twice! I feel its just a fucking excuse!!! And who leaves their phones at home without them when they leave town anyway? If he was thoughtful he would at least call me and tell me whats going on instead of just not communicating at all. I've also tried messaging him on fb and he is able to put up status's while ignoring my messages. This is a MESS.
I got a text from him today saying he would be calling me. He said he was out of town and blah blah. This is actually what happened the last time he wasn't answering my calls. But what is bullshit is he says he leaves town and thats why it couldn't get out, when he could make it more of a priority and get it out before he leaves!! This same bullshit has happened twice! I feel its just a fucking excuse!!! And who leaves their phones at home without them when they leave town anyway? If he was thoughtful he would at least call me and tell me whats going on instead of just not communicating at all. I've also tried messaging him on fb and he is able to put up status's while ignoring my messages. This is a MESS.

yeah sounds like excuses. sorry man, but scrubs will be scrubs
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