I agree. I would save for 3rd ideally like I said. Even then there are plenty of other steroids to try. They ALL fascinate me.
To your question I wouldn't do deca really personally on a second cycle but if you know what you're doing a low dose isn't bad. Just stay conservative. Really I would save that til later as well because it is very anabolic. I would start lower and taper up in terms of cycle strength.
When I was on 500mg of Test-E for 12 weeks, with 10mg of Aromasin every other day... Nothing. Not even an itch.
Would a ''gyno prone'' person get gyno from 500mg with AI? I really wouldn't know.
WIll do. Dbol has no fans here, has it? Haha xD
There must be a way to run it right with not too much estrogen. Would running that at 20mg per day not be much better with 12,5mg every other day of Aromasin? Or would that still give you moon face? xD
Im actually a fan of dbol. I get no sides on it really, nice gains, and no real water retention....but then again my body loves aromatizing compounds and I run test quite high with great results too
Im actually a fan of dbol. I get no sides on it really, nice gains, and no real water retention....but then again my body loves aromatizing compounds and I run test quite high with great results too
That's because Your lean when you have very low body fat you less prone too estrogen and have no where too store water so it fills you out and makes you look great but all these dudes that can't see there and wanting too run dbol with shit diets . are gonna have fun with there moon face and gyno
That's because Your lean when you have very low body fat you less prone too estrogen and have no where too store water so it fills you out and makes you look great but all these dudes that can't see there and wanting too run dbol with shit diets . are gonna have fun with there moon face and gyno