
What's the deal with MK677?


Senior Member
Hey guys,

Sorry if this has been discussed already, but I didn't see a thread about it.

What's the deal with the availability of MK677? Umbrella Labs stopped carrying it some months ago, maybe even more than a year now. I just looked at Research Chemicals (sarms4sale), and they don't have it either!!! Just checked this morning.

Luckily, I ordered a good amount a month ago. Does anyone know if any of these websites will start having it again? Is it just not easy to get right now?

Thanks for any insight.
the merchant that they had required them to remove it... they just got a new merchant and will likely be adding them within the next week HOWEVER, you can email [email protected] and put in the subject line "MK677 inquiry" then mention in the email i told you to email her
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