Hello, I’v decide to join the forum today after browsing for months on here. Iv debated back and forth if i should wast my time asking this question. But from my expirence reading posts by senior members i think it would be well worth my time to ask this question. And i think this community will have the best answer.
Let me introduce my self I’m 20 years old, Iv been lifting for 18 months. (I know, not very long). Not including my high school days. I’m extremely disciplined when it comes to nutrition and lifting. Iv never missed a single meal or a single work out. I log all my work outs and diet plans in a composition note book. I’m currently training 5 times a week. I consum 5-6 meals a day. My current weight is 172lb (My starting weight was 130lb). My current body fat is 14%. Height 5’8. I have food allergy’s that don’t allow me to consum any dairy products including beef. which has made my joourny much more difficult. Iv ran many sarm cycles let me list them from start to finish:
#1 yk-11 (1 month)
#2 Rad-140 (1 month)
#3LGD 4033 + RAD 140 (3 months)
#4 pct- Alpha 1 (1 month)
#5 S4 100mg (2 months)
#6 LGD 4033 (2 months)
#7 Rad 140 + ostarine (2 months)
#8 pct- Alpha 1 + S4 50mg (2 month)
This includes a regular dose of 5g of creatine and the occasional dose of pre-work out.
(I also take a performance vitamin starting about month 6 after my wrist injury)
They were not all ran back to back consecutively. I did have a wrist injury around month 6 and only trained legs and core for about 2 months until i healed. I also did a couple of test months completely clean (I mean completely clean, no coffee or pre work out) to compare my results to my sarm cycles.
If there are any more questions on my background to answer my single question. please ask i will gladly provide the information.
Goal: My goal is to weigh 185 6-7% body fat.
My current plan: Gain to 200, cut to 185. (I have Zero cutting experience. Iv been bulking since iv weighed 130lb)
My single question: Whats my next move? My gains are extremely small each month. when i ask the guy at my local vitam shop this question he recommends a pro hormon. But what iv heard is there all shit. Should i continue spending crazy amonts of money on sarms? I’m open to ababolics or prohormons if that’s the best way to go. I’m just asking for advice from experienced lifters that know there shit and have been doing this for decades. what’s your move if your in my position???
Let me introduce my self I’m 20 years old, Iv been lifting for 18 months. (I know, not very long). Not including my high school days. I’m extremely disciplined when it comes to nutrition and lifting. Iv never missed a single meal or a single work out. I log all my work outs and diet plans in a composition note book. I’m currently training 5 times a week. I consum 5-6 meals a day. My current weight is 172lb (My starting weight was 130lb). My current body fat is 14%. Height 5’8. I have food allergy’s that don’t allow me to consum any dairy products including beef. which has made my joourny much more difficult. Iv ran many sarm cycles let me list them from start to finish:
#1 yk-11 (1 month)
#2 Rad-140 (1 month)
#3LGD 4033 + RAD 140 (3 months)
#4 pct- Alpha 1 (1 month)
#5 S4 100mg (2 months)
#6 LGD 4033 (2 months)
#7 Rad 140 + ostarine (2 months)
#8 pct- Alpha 1 + S4 50mg (2 month)
This includes a regular dose of 5g of creatine and the occasional dose of pre-work out.
(I also take a performance vitamin starting about month 6 after my wrist injury)
They were not all ran back to back consecutively. I did have a wrist injury around month 6 and only trained legs and core for about 2 months until i healed. I also did a couple of test months completely clean (I mean completely clean, no coffee or pre work out) to compare my results to my sarm cycles.
If there are any more questions on my background to answer my single question. please ask i will gladly provide the information.
Goal: My goal is to weigh 185 6-7% body fat.
My current plan: Gain to 200, cut to 185. (I have Zero cutting experience. Iv been bulking since iv weighed 130lb)
My single question: Whats my next move? My gains are extremely small each month. when i ask the guy at my local vitam shop this question he recommends a pro hormon. But what iv heard is there all shit. Should i continue spending crazy amonts of money on sarms? I’m open to ababolics or prohormons if that’s the best way to go. I’m just asking for advice from experienced lifters that know there shit and have been doing this for decades. what’s your move if your in my position???