drb_iac said:MrChristian said:[quote="drb_iac":3rkuqutr]I think your cycle will promote well being. You will feel like when Popeye eats his I never did feel aggression until I used the heavier stuff...mostly tren.You may get a little superman syndrome where you feel invincible, and may do things that are a little more risky than what you would ordinarily get tats, chase wild women, drink more, try drugs etc. If you do get any of this or any anger..which I doubt you will, then just take a second before you act, and you can easily talk yourself down. I train at lot of MMA fighters in the boxing aspect, and even they don't get aggression on lighter cycles
You guys are awesome. Thanks for all the great feedback. I'm not prone to being hot-headed by nature. Quite the opposite actually. So hopefully I'll be fine in that department.
drb_iac, So I'm going to chase wild women, do drugs, get in fist fights and get a few tattoos huh? I'm tempted to Photoshop a picture of myself with a bunch of facial tattoos, a fat lip and a black eye and post it here when I start my cycle. Caption will be, 'Thanks a lot guys!'. didnt listen to me...I said stop and think about it first if any of that is very easy to talk yourself down.If you would have posted that picture I would've tracked you down and spanked your!! Seriously..You won't have any problem with that cycle. You just have to remember that TEST is what we are. Men are men because of test. If your normal test makes you agressive and risk taking then you can easily imagine what happens to those people who then add more. AND That right there is why test is illegal. Because of the jackwads![/quote:3rkuqutr]
I did listen. I was just having some fun with what you said. Chasing wild women doesn't actually sound so bad. Thanks again for all the great advice!