No im not that silly lol im taking it with test c taken 400 a week as well as deca with my cycle 28 im 5.6 im 75 kg and going for mass so bulk look really .....i have taken cycles on and off for about 7 year but i was kinda stiuped and never took any ...
aromatase inhibitors /pct or any thing to protect my liver ....for years i was like" fuck it i dont need shit "so i chose to stay Egremont and naive about it all ,its only now i relise how stuiped i have been and want to take thinks more seriously this time ..... ive been watching your youtube vids and made me stop and think what i have been doing to my self im putting a cycle together and making sure i take the right precautions this time round ....already had a look in to where i can get some aromasin as you said its the best sort of aromatase inhibitors you can get and now i was just looking on advice how to protect liver or any thing else i should consider taking ??
Thank you