
What is the best sarms for cognition?


I'm about to enter a stressful phase of exams, 8 weeks of studying ahead of me, what sarms could I pick to have good focus?
I wanted to take rad140 again but then I thought hold on when I was taking it I was too "edgy", that's not halpful if I need to sit quietly
Any ideas?
S4 would obviously be a no go during that phase because I need to focus my eyes on a screen most of the day and from experience I get the tinted vision, apart from that I get pretty focused on S4 though...
Ostarine I liked but it was kind of like whatever to be honest... I didn't really like my Ostarine only cycle...
You are looking at the wrong options for what you need/want

Nootropics are what you are wanting, not sarms... These are some that would be good options

Ah, yeah, nootropics! Sure, thanks, I'll look into them.

However isn't ostarine i.e. supposed to elevate / amp mood and coginitive behavior?

It's insane the number of exams I have to take. Too many to even be able to retain anything...
Thanks Dylan I'll look into nootropics
Ah, yeah, nootropics! Sure, thanks, I'll look into them.

However isn't ostarine i.e. supposed to elevate / amp mood and coginitive behavior?

It's insane the number of exams I have to take. Too many to even be able to retain anything...
Thanks Dylan I'll look into nootropics
Not to the level you are hoping/wanting
just an FYI i graduated with a 3.6 GPA from college and 3.93 from grad school and never took a damn thing, not even coffee.

having said that if you are having trouble focusing try shutting off electronics after sunset, this will make a huge difference. or use blue blocker glasses. also remove all Electronics from your bedroom that is a huge help and a rule that I have
GW and SR will not do anything for what you need. As Dylan stated SARMS really aren’t the answer here supplementing with Nootropics is what you need. I like to take Alpha GPC before and interview or a time when I really need to focus.
Nice, thanks for the info! 🙏💪

I thought potentiel brain boosting benefits of ostarine or acp262 were much greater than they really are 🙃
You are looking at the wrong options for what you need/want

Nootropics are what you are wanting, not sarms... These are some that would be good options

Great list
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