
Welcome MasterMolnar As One Of The Two New Phurious Pharma Reps!!!

Look nobody here is really here to come toot thier own horn and post n pics of themselves... lol. This isn't a modeling forum. You realize the risk involved. I used to post a lot more physique pics but dude its just not safe it's not safe for anyone.

Be smart.

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Lol. I'm smaller than a few of your and I'm proud of it. Some, I'm much bigger. Never heard me say anything negative.

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ
You've always been positive and are a great addition of this community. We are brothers in arms!
Primo, deca, test, Sr, GW, mk, s4 Ana likely mast Ana maybe tren if I can get enough mast

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ

heavy bro, I like it but deca+tren together? I did npp+tren one time and my prolactin went up too much and I was still even on caber. My sex drive was fucked.
heavy bro, I like it but deca+tren together? I did npp+tren one time and my prolactin went up too much and I was still even on caber. My sex drive was fucked.

Fuck sex. Its all about muscles. Lol.

Lol. I'm smaller than a few of your and I'm proud of it. Some, I'm much bigger. Never heard me say anything negative.

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ

Small big tall short. All means nothing if you are happy with how u look then its a win right?

I don't mind. I'm ripped enough to get noticed. However I do wish I were about 6'lol

Sent from the NY ROBO house of GAINZZZZ

Lol. Try being 6'2". I have to be giant just to look big.

I'm in that same boat I'm 6'1 and working my way up to be as big as possible. When you're tall you got so much more space to fill out

Ya its a real bitch. Im 220# but look 200 lol

sorry everyone... had to take out the trash that was posting here... all cleaned up... =) this thread is supposed to be for molnar and it is now back open as it should be... =)
sorry everyone... had to take out the trash that was posting here... all cleaned up... =) this thread is supposed to be for molnar and it is now back open as it should be... =)

Molnar is a good dude with nothing but good input, always.
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