
We need a SARM-Steroid correlation chart

I hope that you fully understand what Dylan is saying in the video as far as comparative similarities and not true equivalents. AAS and SARMs are not similar in regards to end result. It would seem to me that you are looking for enhancement without suppression and sides and I hope you understand that means giving up something in exchange. SARMs imho are 1/10th as effective as AAS and require longer periods of time to see results, BUT what is a good thing is it allows you to earn your gains through training and proper nutrition versus having the ability to train and eat like shit and still grow albeit shit growth from training/eating poorly.
I hope that you fully understand what Dylan is saying in the video as far as comparative similarities and not true equivalents. AAS and SARMs are not similar in regards to end result. It would seem to me that you are looking for enhancement without suppression and sides and I hope you understand that means giving up something in exchange. SARMs imho are 1/10th as effective as AAS and require longer periods of time to see results, BUT what is a good thing is it allows you to earn your gains through training and proper nutrition versus having the ability to train and eat like shit and still grow albeit shit growth from training/eating poorly.
thank you for posting that and clarifying... it seems no matter HOW MANY times i say it, people mix my words so thank you for saying this brother!
I've never entertained the idea SARMs are as powerful as AAS. If I believed they were, I'd have started them long ago.
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