
watching porn and sex drive


Watching porn movie is a health for real sex life? Is it bad addiction just like alcohol or any thing else? Thnkx
Watching to much porn can actually hurt your sex drive. You can cause porn induced erectile dysfunction.
It really desensitizes you to the real thing after a while if you abuse it. But I mean watching porn once or twice a week shouldn't effect you

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It's a great way to lower your test levels. I've watched with my girl like NY mentioned, but if your watching alone and making it a habit then it no Bueno. Fortunately I've never been into it, but ALLOT of guys are.

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Porn with actors sucks... real porn with real chick's aka home movies is where it's at.

You ain't never lie! You can catch me smashing with my Welty stick getting the right angle. Fucking spoke Lee in this bitch.

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Watching porn movie is a health for real sex life? Is it bad addiction just like alcohol or any thing else? Thnkx

well, i dont really know what to tell you on that one... why dont you just get yourself a hot girl instead... try some triple x stack on her and bam, you probably wont need the "porn movie" anymore... i guess it could be considered a bad addiction is your a weirdo about it...
My son is 'weird'... lil dummy had some app on his phone that apparently whenever he plugged his phone up to the computer downloaded his content onto it. I went thru the computer cleaning up files and saw some odd looking thumbnails. Let's just say I'm glad his mother never saw the shit. Deleted that shit quick.
I rather be doing porn than watching it! And when am on Tren? Believe me, Sex gets real fun! And I love to experiment and I believe is healthy to explore your needs. It does not run my life, but am nit kicking any horny out of bed either!

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Watching porn movie is a health for real sex life? Is it bad addiction just like alcohol or any thing else? Thnkx

I certainly do it often. But I don't think it's healthy. Beating is healthy but porn I think fucks with me psychologically. I get desensitized. Adderall turns me into a fucking perv lol especially on gear
I haven't watched porn in years, but it is an actual addiction for many people

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I produced a couple of porns back in teh late 90's. through a production company as an investment.

I cant even look at porn anymore, I'm always critiquing the camera angles,or the lighting or whatever.
Totally ruined it for me.

plus after having been on the stage, I know the work it takes to make one. Takes several hours just to get 15m of usable footage.

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