Age: 46
Height: 5 ft 11 inches
Weight: 232
Body fat: too high
Years of training: 28yrs
Complete cycle history: Honestly there has been too many to post.
PCT for each cycle: Nolvadez/arimidex
Goals: leaner and tighter
Supplements: just protein powder and good food.
General idea of nutrition Gluten alergy
Any other relevant info: None
Age: 46
Height: 5 ft 11 inches
Weight: 232
Body fat: too high
Years of training: 28yrs
Complete cycle history: Honestly there has been too many to post.
PCT for each cycle: Nolvadez/arimidex
Goals: leaner and tighter
Supplements: just protein powder and good food.
General idea of nutrition Gluten alergy
Any other relevant info: None