Some how some way, i got cleaned out dry, from someone acquiring my bank card info. Purchases looked legit to bank, online stores like target. Wal-Mart and Amazon. Almost $2200 grabbed, for the week or mortgage and both car notes are due. Had to go to the bank and present all my mobile devices and ip addresses to the places i visited on regular trips. Hours later i get out with filing number i had to give to those company's i was scheduled to make payments on.
These jack offs find any loop hole to scan money to make profit so they dint have to earn it for themselves. I had to request overtime to get extra money to cover monetary meds until i get refunded. Luckily my employer understood and actually helped thru this.
Fucking frustrating to say the least
These jack offs find any loop hole to scan money to make profit so they dint have to earn it for themselves. I had to request overtime to get extra money to cover monetary meds until i get refunded. Luckily my employer understood and actually helped thru this.
Fucking frustrating to say the least