I just want to know that using of Hgh is compulsory or necessary or no ? I am using Winstrol+testosterone’ So does Hgh is necessary to use with winatrol and testosterone in cycle or no? Please answer me.
Definitely did not mean to make HGH sound useless. I do use it for anti-aging. I just see lots of internet articles overselling the effects and underselling the time needed.
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As you get older your body produces less and less naturally. When you remove the exogenous source, you would return to your natural low levels, and the anti-aging effects will eventually fade with time. If you were taking very high doses to induce hyperplasia though, those effects, both good and bad, should remain.
I’ve never even used it but if you have deep enough pockets I’m sure it’s like icing on the cake. For your average joe I think it’s pointless. I’d rather spend more money on steroids/better cycle if your looking for just muscle and fat loss.
If you're older than 35 HGH makes a huge difference with recovery and fat loss. If you're under 35 it's not really necessary unless like you said have deep pockets and want to put icing on your cake.