
Using IGF-1 LR3 while using MK-677. Would I run a higher risk of perma-gut since mk i


Looking to make a purchase of IGF-1 LR3 in next few weeks. It will overlap my 6m mk-677 course. I also plan to add in LGD or RAD, but my concern is major sides with IGF! Like faaark do I want perma-gut! I've seen varying doses quoted online. Was thinking 50mcg split into bilateral body parts per day and just monitoring. Maybe doing 2 weeks on, 2 weeks off... I want my gonads for the summer so I'm thinking of IGF-1 to bring up lagging body parts while still bulking on mk-677 and LGD/RAD-140. Thoughts or suggestions welcomed :)

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Title has cut text off.. Should read "since MK-677 increases IGF-1 levels, also"

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Just concerned with over saturation of igf-1 sites with mk and then adding LR3, am I asking for trouble?!?!

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Wow, that it some accolade for mk-677!! Ok then, well that's just saved me £140!! Thank you, Dylan :)

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for sure bro.. look, studies PROVE that mk677 will increase igf levels after 6 months up to 60% and in a year, in the high seventies so clearly you dont need igf on top of it
for sure bro.. look, studies PROVE that mk677 will increase igf levels after 6 months up to 60% and in a year, in the high seventies so clearly you dont need igf on top of it

Hey Dylan,
what are your thoughts on organ growth with mk677? is there microscopic growth?
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