
Understanding hypertrophy: A new video by Dylan Gemelli


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If you want to learn how to maximize muscle growth and learn about the entire concept of hypertrophy, then this video is a must watch... I go into great detail explaining the process of hypertrophy and how to get the most out of your workout when aiming for the most muscle gain... You do not want to miss this video!

Understanding hypertrophy:
Now here is a topic I can get into. This is the root of where all the magic happens for muscle growth

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Great video. I just recently changed up my routine and it's been insane. Literally smoked after each session and pushing myself beyond previous limits constantly. Feels like growth lol. I think in three months I'll be ridiculous mass wise.
This is probably the most misunderstood and uninformed topic in you said most of the young guys hear this term in the gym and know it means something "good"...but lack even the basic facts of it. Excellent video, wish it had been around when I was young. Do you think sometime in the future you might make a video and break this subject down even further explaining the concentric, eccentric and isometric contractions?...I'm sure the younger guys will need to hear it.
I always say "hypertrophy" completely wrong in my head and pronounced it like two words, hyper-trophy.

Great video Dylan.

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I always say "hypertrophy" completely wrong in my head and pronounced it like two words, hyper-trophy.

Great video Dylan.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
LOLLL i can hear you saying that bro! im glad you liked the video!
Great video. I just recently changed up my routine and it's been insane. Literally smoked after each session and pushing myself beyond previous limits constantly. Feels like growth lol. I think in three months I'll be ridiculous mass wise.
thanks bro! your going to see a major change shocking your body like that bro! thats fucking awesome!
This is probably the most misunderstood and uninformed topic in you said most of the young guys hear this term in the gym and know it means something "good"...but lack even the basic facts of it. Excellent video, wish it had been around when I was young. Do you think sometime in the future you might make a video and break this subject down even further explaining the concentric, eccentric and isometric contractions?...I'm sure the younger guys will need to hear it.
thank you bro! absolutely, yes, i will add that to my list and make a part 2 for sure... i love talking about all the movements etc... especially when it comes to explaining the importance of eccentric contractions because im a firm believer in them...
just want to make sure everyone gets a chance to see this one!

This should be the very FIRST video anyone watches before they even learn about "how" to lift...knowing this to start will make every single other aspect of lifting virtually ...fall in place. It should also be required...
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