


New member
Hi Dylan -

I am sure you get this question a lot, and not even sure if you can answer it. I know it is not the best way to go, but can you recommend any decent UGL's? I have been using Naps/Geneza/Dragon Pharm, but I question the quality of it. Been thinking about Pharmacom, but I question all of these guys.
Hi Dylan -

I am sure you get this question a lot, and not even sure if you can answer it. I know it is not the best way to go, but can you recommend any decent UGL's? I have been using Naps/Geneza/Dragon Pharm, but I question the quality of it. Been thinking about Pharmacom, but I question all of these guys.

not my thing whatsoever to get into... we have a source section here with plenty of reviews etc... i would highly recommend checking that out.. you can look at my log that i have posted as well.... what are your stats and goals? age/height/weight/body fat?
All of the sources on this board are solid man. We don't have many.. and for good reason. We hold all of our sources up to high standards and they are all top notch. Check out the source talk section and you'll find countless threads with pictures, reviews, logs, bloods, etc. If you want to try Phurious Pharma, just shoot me a pm and I'll get you taken care of bud. What are your stats? Cycle? Goals?

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
5% Discount Code: MP5
Hi Dylan -

I am sure you get this question a lot, and not even sure if you can answer it. I know it is not the best way to go, but can you recommend any decent UGL's? I have been using Naps/Geneza/Dragon Pharm, but I question the quality of it. Been thinking about Pharmacom, but I question all of these guys.

There are plenty of good sources here brother. Look around you'll fond lots of reviews. Hit me up if you want a Robolics list.
Hi Dylan -

I am sure you get this question a lot, and not even sure if you can answer it. I know it is not the best way to go, but can you recommend any decent UGL's? I have been using Naps/Geneza/Dragon Pharm, but I question the quality of it. Been thinking about Pharmacom, but I question all of these guys.
You can never go wrong with Pharmacom bro!! Shoot me a PM and I'll gladly answer any questions you have

Stronger Bigger Faster
Worldwide Pharmacom Labs Official Distributor since 2008
Just compare prices and the qty you get for your money, ultimately you want the most bang for your buck. All sources here are reputable, so it comes down to stretching your dollar unless you go pharmaceuticals then variety, incentives and historical reputation come into play.

The 44 Board Rep and Gainz Gun Slinger
Just to mimic what the others say, we have some great sources on this board and many of us represent those sources and can help you. you can't go wrong with any of them and we all here support each other. They wouldn't be here unless they were solid
I agree you should do your due diligence. But seeing that the three sources u picked in your op. Lol those three are terrible. Lol. So here u can see what we offer in the review secrion. Plenty of good ones on every source here.

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I agree you should do your due diligence. But seeing that the three sources u picked in your op. Lol those three are terrible. Lol. So here u can see what we offer in the review secrion. Plenty of good ones on every source here.

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I agree, those 3 he listed don't have very good reputations. Hit or miss type of stuff.
Thanks everyone for your input! Here is some of my history -

My last cycle was the following - Geneza Superdrol first four weeks at 30mg/day, Dragonpharma Sust at 300mg/3x a week, Geneza Npp 150mg/3x a week. I will be honest, I have not cycled off test in about a year and a half, but overall, from beginning to end, I gained about 30lbs, from 180 to 210. I am 5'7", 38 years old. Max bench ended up at 405 for 2.

I tore my tricep in May of this year. Finally came off gear entirely and PCT'ed for four weeks, and off gear ever since. I can start lifting at full power again this week. Have not lifted in over four months, just in PT.

I have looked at many UGL's, and would like to THINK I did my homework, BUT - I still see mixed reviews on most of them. I am trying to get pharma test (watson or pfizer) from my doc, but in the meantime, need a better source, not to mention, a place for deca, etc. I have been leaning towards trying Pharmacom, but still saw mixed reviews. I can tell you that my bloods came back great after the dragon pharm run I had. All in all, looking for more advice, education, and direction. Thanks guys!!
Ya you're going to see mixed reviews on everything. Thats just business regardless of what the area may be. What you want to look for are recent reviews. This is where your due diligence and research have to come into play. Listen to the guys on the board and then comb the board for reviews. This is a transparent board. Nothing gets deleted or hidden to make our sources look better or worse. If you want to see real reviews check out the source section. I will say... all of our sources are top notch and thats the truth. We wont have any hit or miss sources here, thats for sure. If you find a source you like and youre still unsure, make a thread and ask fellow members for feedback. Easy. We're all here to help and spread the gains.

Phurious Pharma Rep
[email protected]
5% Discount Code: MP5
Hi Dylan -

I am sure you get this question a lot, and not even sure if you can answer it. I know it is not the best way to go, but can you recommend any decent UGL's? I have been using Naps/Geneza/Dragon Pharm, but I question the quality of it. Been thinking about Pharmacom, but I question all of these guys.
You can't go wrong with any of the sources here. They all have good reputation just go threw the forums and read the reviews it's nothing but positive.

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Thanks everyone for your input! Here is some of my history -

My last cycle was the following - Geneza Superdrol first four weeks at 30mg/day, Dragonpharma Sust at 300mg/3x a week, Geneza Npp 150mg/3x a week. I will be honest, I have not cycled off test in about a year and a half, but overall, from beginning to end, I gained about 30lbs, from 180 to 210. I am 5'7", 38 years old. Max bench ended up at 405 for 2.

I tore my tricep in May of this year. Finally came off gear entirely and PCT'ed for four weeks, and off gear ever since. I can start lifting at full power again this week. Have not lifted in over four months, just in PT.

I have looked at many UGL's, and would like to THINK I did my homework, BUT - I still see mixed reviews on most of them. I am trying to get pharma test (watson or pfizer) from my doc, but in the meantime, need a better source, not to mention, a place for deca, etc. I have been leaning towards trying Pharmacom, but still saw mixed reviews. I can tell you that my bloods came back great after the dragon pharm run I had. All in all, looking for more advice, education, and direction. Thanks guys!!

have you had any bloodwork done??? you only did a four week pct after being on test for 1.5 years? NO WAY you are recovered... if you dont do bloodwork, you will not know where you are and if you have internal problems, which you likely do, you are going to enhance this issue to be much worse than it potentially already is... not smart whatsoever...
Thanks everyone for your input! Here is some of my history -

My last cycle was the following - Geneza Superdrol first four weeks at 30mg/day, Dragonpharma Sust at 300mg/3x a week, Geneza Npp 150mg/3x a week. I will be honest, I have not cycled off test in about a year and a half, but overall, from beginning to end, I gained about 30lbs, from 180 to 210. I am 5'7", 38 years old. Max bench ended up at 405 for 2.

I tore my tricep in May of this year. Finally came off gear entirely and PCT'ed for four weeks, and off gear ever since. I can start lifting at full power again this week. Have not lifted in over four months, just in PT.

I have looked at many UGL's, and would like to THINK I did my homework, BUT - I still see mixed reviews on most of them. I am trying to get pharma test (watson or pfizer) from my doc, but in the meantime, need a better source, not to mention, a place for deca, etc. I have been leaning towards trying Pharmacom, but still saw mixed reviews. I can tell you that my bloods came back great after the dragon pharm run I had. All in all, looking for more advice, education, and direction. Thanks guys!!

A year and a half... okay Super TRT Man that's pretty fucking insane. Now if this was truly effective do you think 30 pounds is all you should've packed on? I can run a cycle and put that on in 12 weeks bro. You've fucked your test levels to the point you may never recover, OR it'll take a couple of years of PCT and medical assistance to get anywhere near normal ranges. I B/C but am 45 and run low doses of test in between my long ass cycles, but I also take prescription meds to handle BP, prostate and cholesterol. You need to NOT start another cycle and get some blood work done to see where you are at over a period of time as I suspect your test levels and other blood work levels will steadily lower over times. If I were you I get it done very month for the next four months to make observations and use the information to get you back to as close to normal as possible bro. Everyone screws up bro, we all do, but please get this worked out asap. 38 is still quite young.
Just like they said bro, get your full bloodwork results printed out, blank out your name, take a pic and post it up here on these forums. These guys can read bloodwork better than most physicians :)
I've been waiting 2 months on my phurious order, pretty shitty for domestic. Don't see why he's bashing other sources.
Those sources don't have a good reputation at all and anybody that's been around knows that. If you have an issue with an order take it up on private with phurious instead of putting it on blast here. There's no need for it and it's uncalled for, when there's a number of reasons your order may have been delayed

(PM me for a price list for Biotech Labs and 10% discount)
Phurious is solid there is no doubt. I personally know the gear is tight.

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