Right on! When I was growing we had no TV.Mom nor dad allowed it. My friends always ask how did I come to speak three languages, played great football and baseball in college, was an AAU boxing champ, play 3 musical instruments etc. My answer is because if you tally the time kids watched TV that were growing up in my day, it is astronomical.That is a huge part of their lives..TV.
One day my dad comes home with an old beat up 65 mustang. He told me to have fun fixing it up! Learned how to weld, bodywork, rebuild the engine from a 289 CI to a 302. All kinds of shit they had time to learn..just like I did. But ask them about when Fonzi rode his motorcycle into the bushes and they can tell you about the entire show.
We stare at the tv in a mindless fashion and gain nothing from say age 6-20 years old. Once we notice girls we cut back on TV...and then finally learn about something new!!