I'm 36 years old I've been training Properly from age 17 I'm completely natural I've never used anything other than creatine and natural test boosters. I've made good strengh gains over the years. Any way sorry to rant on, basically the reason I've never took anything is because I've been afraid I don't even like taking painkillers for fear of an allergic reaction lol. Training has become so hard over the last 5 years I've lost strength ect. I had my testosterone levels checked and although there not low there not high Anymore either, they were 535. Basically I want to go onto testosterone cypionate but all I want to do is bring my test levels uptoo where I was in my late teens, I don't want to use anything else. I'm happy to continue training with just a good testosterone level like in my younger days. Would a weekly dose of 150mg of testosterone cypionate be sufficient and would I still have to use an aromatase inhibitor. Id like to stay on this long term maybe a break every 3 or 4 months. Any advice you could provide me with this would be fantastic brother. Your the only guy I listen too and in the last two years you've stopped me from making some dumb mistakes also. Even pct worrys me all the side effects I read are scary.
Thankyou in advance Il be hoping to hear from you. Ps I am from England
Thankyou in advance Il be hoping to hear from you. Ps I am from England