
TRT with test, deca and SARMS update... New pics...


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I have been back to trt since my cycle was completed a month ago... I am currently on test at 150 mg week, deca at 150 mg week along with my sarms stack of GW501516, S4, MK2866 and RAD140... My weight and strength have stayed completely on point and in fact, it is even much cleaner and it was already extremely clean... One of the things I love about SARMS is not only the overall performance enhancement but the way I feel... I just love the energy, the daily refreshing feeling and the cleanliness of the gains... I am extremely happy where I am at now... Still at 205 but my body fat has dropped... MK2866 has helped a lot with the horrible tendinitis I have in my right elbow and the performance enhancement of GW is unreal... S4 has provided a lot of strength and muscle hardening and RAD has clearly added strength as well... I always love to do trt doses of deca as they are extremely effective for me... Here are some updated pics...


Looking good bro! A lot like my cruise except I'm not using Deca and using MK-677. I'm doing 200 test per week, MK-2866, S4, GW, and MK-677.

You are maintaining well my friend, and looking great like you never came off. Awesome job Dylan! That's how to do it!
Looking good bro! A lot like my cruise except I'm not using Deca and using MK-677. I'm doing 200 test per week, MK-2866, S4, GW, and MK-677.

You are maintaining well my friend, and looking great like you never came off. Awesome job Dylan! That's how to do it!
thanks bro... to be honest, it makes me second guess running large cycles... i'll continue to see how this goes and obviously when you are looking for something huge gains wise, you want to hit something harder like anadrol etc... but my cycles are going to be a lot smaller than the last one...
Just curious, do you use caber at that low deca dose?
last time i ran deca on my cruise i tested it out to see if i had any issues at that dose and there was really no increase in my prolactin levels HOWEVER that's just me and some are far more sensitive to it... so if you do run it, i would definitely run bloods to be safe bro
last time i ran deca on my cruise i tested it out to see if i had any issues at that dose and there was really no increase in my prolactin levels HOWEVER that's just me and some are far more sensitive to it... so if you do run it, i would definitely run bloods to be safe bro

Thanks. I was consider running low dose deca during my next cycle. Might scrap the idea however.
Thanks. I was consider running low dose deca during my next cycle. Might scrap the idea however.
im very cautious with deca and have made sure i have tested everything accurately because i know if you are not precise it can cause problems but if you are on point then its amazing
Looking bro. I'm cruising on test and deca now and I'm definitely maintaining my gains better than test alone.

Do you run gw year round?

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Looking bro. I'm cruising on test and deca now and I'm definitely maintaining my gains better than test alone.

Do you run gw year round?

Sent from my SM-S975L using Tapatalk
thanks bro... no, you need to cycle it 16 weeks on and then you take 3 weeks off and jump back on which i run in that regard year round...
thanks bro... to be honest, it makes me second guess running large cycles... i'll continue to see how this goes and obviously when you are looking for something huge gains wise, you want to hit something harder like anadrol etc... but my cycles are going to be a lot smaller than the last one...

I agree with you there buddy. I'm starting to gravitate more towards that cycling philosophy myself
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