New here. Hi everyone. Been reading a lot. Figured it was time to introduce myself. 40 years old. Used gear before. Been on trt for 2 years. 150 mgs of test cyp a week plus hcg. Adex twice a week. I get a new bottle every 10 weeks. This leaves a little extra. I've experimented with going down to 100 a week for a while and then taking it up to 300 or 400 which has been fun but very limited. Looking to take it up a notch. Also the test has driven up my cholesterol and hemocrit. I would like to keep the test stable and add in some Primo, EQ, or Masteron... possibly even rotating all three at lowish dosages to minimize sides. I get blood tested by my doc 4 times a year. Once every 13 weeks. Any thoughts from those on the trt train?