Dylan, found your videos on youtube and love them! Hoping you or some of the other experts can help me out. I have somewhat of a dilema i am 38 years old fitness junkie. I love working out and tend to push myself to the limits of overtraining. I have always had a carb restricted diet and enjoy being as lean as possible. Over the last 3 years constantly felt tired and unmotivated. My brother in law tells me I may have to look into TRT. I get my blood test and my total test is 610, free t is 13, DHEA 310, E2 30, LH 9.1, thyroid all looks good but SHBG is 63. These are lab corp reference ranges. The telemedic clinic prescribes me 160mg of test cyp with two injections a week because of the SHBG and says it is rendering my tesosterone unavaliable. I am half way thru week 3 and every shot i inject i am second guessing myself if i truly need TRT ? In the 3 weeks my body has seemed to eat the tesosterone up. I feel awesome in the gym and my workouts are more intense than ever but i am really not noticing anything different in mood.