
TRT dose and pinning frequency



What's your TRT dosage and pinning frequency?

I'm currently pinning 60mg Test Cyp twice a week for a total of 120mg.

I'm considering pinning 120mg once a week to cut down on pinning frequency but I've read twice a week injections keep levels stable and less E2 conversion. Is this necessary with Cyp being such a long ester?

Pharma Lady Rep
With cyp you can do once a week. That is standard for trt as far as I know.
Right... I guess I'm more or less interested in others TRT regimen. Ester, dosages, frequency... Etc...

Pharma Lady Rep
I am prescribed 220 mg / a week. Sounds like a lot for a dr prescribed trt but it works out like this: I'm 235 lbs, 9% BF, 6'2. I pin 0.6 ml twice a week using insulin syringes. This keeps my total t at 717 ng/dl and my free t at 167.8 ng/dl (23.4%). Most importantly the insulin needles keep my E2 at 14.8 pg/ml. I do NOT need an AI. I feel good right now. When I started trt, I was using the recommended 25g 1" 3cc syringes. Dr started me with 200 mg once a week. This put my total t over 1200 and my free t was over 50%. (I don't have the numbers from my first couple of bloods right in front of me). But I felt like crap. Asked doc to check e2 and it was 70 something. Doc wanted to drop dose to curb the e2. So we did this trial and error dosing for a while until after I did an ass load of research determined that I was an exceedingly fast metabolizer. On my own, I moved to twice a week shots and then to insulin pins. Now I'm golden. I feel good. My wife doesn't feel like she is walking on eggshells around me and the kids are more comfortable around me. Sad that it took a year and a half to get dialed in, but I'm glad im there now. Regarding the half life of test cyp, the paperwork that comes with the script indicates that the half life is 8 days. I believe that is an average. Everyone is different. For my body, I believe the half life to be closer to 4 days. So pinning Every 3.5 days leads to much more stable blood levels. Not just stable t levels, but stable e2 levels. And a stable mood.

I really don't wanto start a debate about pinning frequency or slin pins - just telling you what works for me after a lot of trial and error.
I was prescribed 330mg and pinned 1.5ml of 220mg cyp a week. Levels where high and was a rejuvenation type place so they didn't care really lol.
What's your TRT dosage and pinning frequency?

I'm currently pinning 60mg Test Cyp twice a week for a total of 120mg.

I'm considering pinning 120mg once a week to cut down on pinning frequency but I've read twice a week injections keep levels stable and less E2 conversion. Is this necessary with Cyp being such a long ester?

Pharma Lady Rep

You will find all kinds of different trt applications. Some like to slin .3 x3/week of 250 cyp for a total of 225mg/week, some want to use a long chain and still do 3x /week. The bottom line is if you use cyp then 1x/week should be good. You can use sus to get the different time releases also....but if I were going to do trt I would use test decoanate or undecoanate and make it in castor oil. This would be good for 1 every 10 days or so,at least, but I would do every Sunday. In this way you absolutely have it stabilized into your system. I do not see a problem though doing cyp 1/week. Find out what you like. Frequent pinning gets tiresome. Some who slin .3 get lumps,some hate to pin some love to pin.
I am prescribed 220 mg / a week. Sounds like a lot for a dr prescribed trt but it works out like this: I'm 235 lbs, 9% BF, 6'2. I pin 0.6 ml twice a week using insulin syringes. This keeps my total t at 717 ng/dl and my free t at 167.8 ng/dl (23.4%). Most importantly the insulin needles keep my E2 at 14.8 pg/ml. I do NOT need an AI. I feel good right now. When I started trt, I was using the recommended 25g 1" 3cc syringes. Dr started me with 200 mg once a week. This put my total t over 1200 and my free t was over 50%. (I don't have the numbers from my first couple of bloods right in front of me). But I felt like crap. Asked doc to check e2 and it was 70 something. Doc wanted to drop dose to curb the e2. So we did this trial and error dosing for a while until after I did an ass load of research determined that I was an exceedingly fast metabolizer. On my own, I moved to twice a week shots and then to insulin pins. Now I'm golden. I feel good. My wife doesn't feel like she is walking on eggshells around me and the kids are more comfortable around me. Sad that it took a year and a half to get dialed in, but I'm glad im there now. Regarding the half life of test cyp, the paperwork that comes with the script indicates that the half life is 8 days. I believe that is an average. Everyone is different. For my body, I believe the half life to be closer to 4 days. So pinning Every 3.5 days leads to much more stable blood levels. Not just stable t levels, but stable e2 levels. And a stable mood.

I really don't wanto start a debate about pinning frequency or slin pins - just telling you what works for me after a lot of trial and error.

This is pretty much how you need to do it bro. I am glad you found your sweet spot!
I run 130mg/wk with Test C injections monday and thursday. Could I run more volume? Yes, but I believe in running the minimum needed and I dont let my emotions (run more, run more!!) get the better of me. Ill keep higher dosages for blasts and such. Could I pin less often? Yes, I did not notice a difference in how I felt when I pinned once per week but I prefer pinning more keeps health on my mind more often and I seem to keep with a better diet/training regimen, it seems to make E2 control a little easier, and I can do SQ if I want. All that being said, I have considered increasing dosage just to have a more "round" number. I would recommend 1X week for Test Cyp if I wasnt me. LOL
Lots of good information here... Thx for sharing! It all comes down to what's best for you.

Pharma Lady Rep
Doc has me at 120mg cyp every Monday. I am hitting my cruise right now for the next few months until bloods. So I'll get to see how it feels. I was on 140mg before. So lowered just a bit.

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200mg test C once per week is all I ever do, and it works perfectly for me that way. Even 6 days post injection, bloods indicated I was around 900 total test

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200mg test C once per week is all I ever do, and it works perfectly for me that way. Even 6 days post injection, bloods indicated I was around 900 total test

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I wonder what your levels are 36 hours post injection... You think it's higher?

Pharma Lady Rep
70 mg once per week. Tests coming in low so he may be raising the dosage soon
70 mg is low IMO... I think 100 mg is the lowest I've ever heard of. I tried 100 mg and felt just ok... 120 - 150 mg is my sweet spot. Higher than that and I start getting sides...

Pharma Lady Rep
I wonder what your levels are 36 hours post injection... You think it's higher?

Pharma Lady Rep
Oh I'm sure it is, but I've never tested that quick after an injection. I just wanted to make sure my levels were high enough before my next pin so I tested 6 days post

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Of course they should be higher , my bloods are almost identical to ricks after 6 day injection . After 3-4 days my number was around 1350 the one time I ran bloods that way. Also on 200mg per week test c . One shot IM weekly , no way I'm pinning it more than that. I can never tell a difference pinning 2x per week unless blasting
I could never tell a difference pinning twice a week versus once either. I'm perfectly happy and fine pinning once per week with trt

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