Hi i am goig to jamaica and was wondering if i could take pill sarms with me
I have LGD-4033 10MG each pill and i am only taking 15 pills as thats how long i will be there for
how should i pack these? or should i even pack them as i might not be allowed them.
iam traveling with family and i dont want them to know i am using them and i dont want to get stopped or them taken off of me. as of now i have packed them in a natural test booster bottle, would i get away with placing them in there?
just incase they do get taken away i brought my pct so i could start it. but what are the chances of them getting taken away or stopped? i dont want to get stopped and asked what they are or anything. any help?
i am leaving tomorrow early so i need a fast response thanks!
I have LGD-4033 10MG each pill and i am only taking 15 pills as thats how long i will be there for
how should i pack these? or should i even pack them as i might not be allowed them.
iam traveling with family and i dont want them to know i am using them and i dont want to get stopped or them taken off of me. as of now i have packed them in a natural test booster bottle, would i get away with placing them in there?
just incase they do get taken away i brought my pct so i could start it. but what are the chances of them getting taken away or stopped? i dont want to get stopped and asked what they are or anything. any help?
i am leaving tomorrow early so i need a fast response thanks!