tullypapa213 said:
question would it be ok to take letro or arimidex while on tren my buddy said i should only need prami but lately my nipples have been sensitive...and would like to know if it could ruin my cycle..??
Thats the problem with having a buddy that is the sole provider of your information. Some of it may be entirely valid, but could be void of any sound reason. Pramipexole is a dopamine agonist whos primary purpose is reduction of prolactin levels. Are you having prolactin issues? Have you in the past? Although both aromatase inhibitors like arimadex and aromasin and prolactin inhibiting conpounds like cabergoline and pramipexole are used to help prevent gyno, aromatase inhibitors are a key factor in peventing estrogen sides and aromatization of testosterone to estradiol.
My question, again, is what reason did you begin taking prami? Maybe im missing something? Please don't take this as an attack. Just want you to consider looking elsewhere, as you have here, for advice and dont take one mans word for fact.