New member
So this is something I have thought about for a bit but never seen any posts on. I am on TRT. Have run tren in the past and loved it. Size and strength and total body changes were amazing. Sides of cardio capacity dropping hurt the superset workouts. I also ran EQ at a lower does years ago and recently around 600/week. I'm taking time off now but will be getting myself a holiday gift
My thoughts of running tren and EQ while on TRT would be the EQ endurance gains might offset the sides of tren. Is this at all possible? I'm not looking to add massive amounts of size, but love a little size and solid strength gains without water weight. I know EQ can and will give me that but tren with it might be amazing. There has got to be a reason I've never seen them run side by side. What's your thoughts? thanks for the advice in advance.