just before I answer is this a serious question or?
why would you use HCG alongside a tren cycle, first of all if you run tren you should of already had the mindset that obviously your testicles will suffer, HCG is not going to do anything, it's just going to have LH send a signal to start producing, then the tren is going to send a signal to not, it's just a waste of time. not to mention HCG can desensitize the Ledyig cells causing you become primary hypogonadal and it increases intra-testicular E2 which cannot be combated with most AI's, which is another side effect he does not need to combat and don't get me started on the effect it has on HPTA, that tren also fucks with, and will just cause a overall mess.
HCG has no business being in a PCT or on cycle
With all due respect, I'd expect a man of your stature to know better