Not for me personally, although ace comes on quicker (including sides) for me. I don't run ace, or any short ester compounds anymore though, since pinning so much gets old quickly.
I've never tried Tren E and never will. I like knowing I can jump ship if possible. Tren is unpredictable and I like to push it and it's to risky with Tren E.
The only difference for me has been that the sides on Tren A come on much more intensely than Tren E. Even with the same dose and the same source. Particularly the feeling of being dehydrated. I much prefer Tren E. A lot of it is due to less pinning too.
I'm taking tren e right now and have been for 6 weeks now . And I can tell you for sure no sides as opposed to tren a I do get insomnia and terrible night sweats . I'll never do ace again . I will stick with enenthate