
Traveling with gear


I'm flying out to the Expo in Vegas this weekend with a buddy of mine and will need to bring my gear along for an injection while I am there. I was thinking about rolling them up in some of my t-shirts deep inside my suitcase. What do you guys normally do when you have to fly with your gear? Just want to be as safe as possible...
ZeroToHero said:
I'm flying out to the Expo in Vegas this weekend with a buddy of mine and will need to bring my gear along for an injection while I am there. I was thinking about rolling them up in some of my t-shirts deep inside my suitcase. What do you guys normally do when you have to fly with your gear? Just want to be as safe as possible...

inside a coat pocket of a suit or something always works or fuck i just put them in my medicine bag with toothpaste, etc.... just check them and do not attempt to carry on
Personally I've never flown anywhere with gear. I just don't take the chance. You are probably fine doing what dylan suggested, but I don't risk it. I'd just hit an injection before you go, and another when you get back. That's what I do even if it's off a couple days or whatever....won't make a difference. I'm just Leary about taking illegal drugs onto an airplane.
DylanGemelli said:
ZeroToHero said:
I'm flying out to the Expo in Vegas this weekend with a buddy of mine and will need to bring my gear along for an injection while I am there. I was thinking about rolling them up in some of my t-shirts deep inside my suitcase. What do you guys normally do when you have to fly with your gear? Just want to be as safe as possible...

inside a coat pocket of a suit or something always works or fuck i just put them in my medicine bag with toothpaste, etc.... just check them and do not attempt to carry on

Yea that's what I figured. I'll just put them in a toiletries bag and put them in my suitcase. Makes me a little nervous but there's probably almost zero chance of getting caught with it.

The fact that I even have to worry about this shit is what pisses me off though. It's as if I'm trying to smuggle drugs across the country or something. There is no reason steroids should be illegal and treated like they are. It's beyond stupid.
why not just skip the weekend usage and just pick up where u left off right when u get back ? skipping one injection will not make much difference in my opinion, but if not remove the label from the vial and keep it with your hygiene products and CHECK IN your bag only
Just take the labeling off the packaging, I have actually never understood why labs label their product, but use a masterkey type number system instead. The fact of the matter is Gear is a niche drug that is hard to detect, costly to analyze and pretty low on the totem pole of enforcement. But as always carries a risk
Angelo said:
why not just skip the weekend usage and just pick up where u left off right when u get back ? skipping one injection will not make much difference in my opinion, but if not remove the label from the vial and keep it with your hygiene products and CHECK IN your bag only

This is what I do. Anytime I've traveled I just skip an injection if need be. It's not the end of the world and your body won't even know the difference
RickRock said:
Angelo said:
why not just skip the weekend usage and just pick up where u left off right when u get back ? skipping one injection will not make much difference in my opinion, but if not remove the label from the vial and keep it with your hygiene products and CHECK IN your bag only

This is what I do. Anytime I've traveled I just skip an injection if need be. It's not the end of the world and your body won't even know the difference

I agree, why risk it. Last thing you want to do would be to ruin your trip, then you have real issues besides pinning
i also agree... if its just a few days then its no big deal whatsoever to skip one... if your talking a week at a time or more then that may be a different story but its all up to you and your comfort level... there's no guarantee your bag won't be looked at so keep that in mind
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