I often go to failure or near failure as well. I first got into that when I was in my 20s after reading BLood and guts by Dorian yates. After college I took about 16 years off from the gym with a sit on my duff job that threw money at us and I was at work huge hours per week.
Got back into lifting and did some reading of mike mentzer heavy duty. How long will you go with going to total failure? I was doing it for like non stop. Then a buddy was saying every now and then do a couple weeks of say 3 sets of 15 reps leaving some gas in the tank for the joints. Also what are you running per bodypart set wise. Chest I do about 6-8 work sets, back is about 8-10, shoulders 4-6, bicepts 3-6, triceps 5-7, legs are about 10 sets and calves 6 sets. Abs are 9 sets over 2 or 3 excercises.