
Too much too soon!

I certainly don't think you gained that kind of bodyfat that quick. I think the extra carbs and glycogen is throwing you off because of any possible fluid fluctuation of water you're holding. Jumping a coule hundred calories isn't going to make a drastic change that quick on composition. Sodium and potassium could also be playing a role here as well.

Thanks RickRock! I didn't really think it would cause that much of a change, but after people here hinted at this, I did more research and sure enough, that is most likely the case...which is throwing off the calipers. I'm definitely consuming more water and pissing alot, but I'm sure the increase in carbs is increasing in my cells accordingly as well. This was a good learning and I appreciate your response.
$2000???!!!!! Fuck... Lol

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IKR. RAD140 alone is 6 bottles for a 12 month cycle at 20mg/day dosage, plus the others! I wanted to maximize the I went all out. I will say, 1 week in and I feel very strong compared to pre-cycle. The proof will be in the pudding ;).
Given that you have been eating at 1800cal for 3-4 months, I would assume your metabolism has slowed significantly. If you've been maintaining weight at 1800cal, then it is likely 1800-1900cal has become your new maintenance. In this case, if it was me, I would increase calories slowly. Start with 100 calories per week for the first 2 weeks then assess. Coming out of a deficit, your body is primed to gain weight. Whether this gain is muscle or fat will be determined by you and your nutrition adherence. Given your $2000 Sarms stack, you have the potential to make great gains if you play your cards right.

Do you know what your BMR is?
What is your present calorie intake?
What are your current macros in actual figures -not %.

Hi IronLifter36.

Makes sense. I'm going to reset to 1900 calories at 50%P, 36%C, and 15% Fat. At least that is the goal. To answer your last questions:
BMR at 180lbs is 1729 cals.
My present calorie intake prior to the changes based upon this thread were 2450/day at 40/40/20 equalling 225g of Carbs, 225g of Protein and 50g of Fat. Sugar has been averaging 70g through a fairly clean diet - probably from the fruits. I'm not eating candy, cookies and shit. Mostly things like eggs, egg whites, red meats, chicken, salmon, greek yogurt, blueberries, strawberries, bananas, avocados. Those sort of things all within the above macros. Hell, I haven't even been drinking for over 4 weeks (3 weeks prior to cycle start). Sodium as been averaging around 3000mg and Potassium at 3000, which I've read should be balanced because Sodium retains water and Potassium helps extract. Need to research further to see if these numbers are good or bad and/or need adjusting.

Let me know if you have any additional thoughts.
Not sure if it's been said but, a 3 point caliper check is about as inaccurate as could be, grab more areas. I do 4 points that I came up with, I did this because I can be consistent with exactly spot where I grab. I don't bother trying to convert it. I just read the total mm.. so right now in those four areas (2 stomach, chest and leg) I'm down from 26mm to 19mm, I don't care what the formula says, I only care about total number, and if I'm about to put on the 13 pounds I have lost and I'm lower than 26... SUCCESS
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