You could really go either way this brother. Typically after making the mind of gains you made, it will be very hard to keep the gains going even further. Your body adapts to the added muscle mass and puts on the breaks many times by real easing myostatin. It does this anytime a significant amount of muscle mass is added. However, I'm not saying to stop. If the gains are still coming then keep it going, but if you notice yourself start to plateau it may be time to switch.
Your body will respond very well when going from periods of over feeding to periods of under feeding and vice versa, so sometimes it's best to keep your durations of bulks and cuts to a maximum of 3 to 4 months at a time before going the other route.
You are still in good enough shape that you could still bulk or go into a cut. The choice is really yours. Right now I'd peg you at 12-13%