
To get under 10% Body Fat


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Hey guys

User from Australia 25 M.
First time posting a question, so forgive me if it has been answered.

You always hear and read statements saying do not use steroids unless you are under 10% body to see their true effect. However what about if you are not under 10% lets say you are 14-18% body could you possibly use SARMS to get under 10% before using steroids?

Some compounds are best used under 10. Like Masteron and a few others. Others like test and stuff, I would recommend the HIGHEST point to be 14-15. At 18, I would concentrate on the diet for a few months before divulging into compounds. However, sarms can be used to assist in those few percentages that needs to be dropped. I'm still researching sarms. So I'll let someone else recommend which ones.
Under 10% to use steroids? Yeah I don't agree with that one bit. This is classic bodybuilding board bs because people love to get on their high horses and preach to people about how they shouldn't use whilst the hypocrisy poster is 25% bf and taking 3 grams per week.

10% is pretty fricking lean - I would say 15-16% is the highest I would personally use at. Likely with the intent of cutting.

Many 'bros' are trying to help and keep you healthy, but many are also just preaching this pay your dues bullshit so you don't look better than them.

Also many say don't use so they can push a product instead of the good stuff which they see no revenue from.

Hope it goes without saying that I am referring to the bodybuilding community in general, and not this board.

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Re: RE: Re: To get under 10% Body Fat

Tha_waco_kid said:
Under 10% to use steroids? Yeah I don't agree with that one bit. This is classic bodybuilding board bs because people love to get on their high horses and preach to people about how they shouldn't use whilst imposter poster is 25% big and taking 3 grams per week.

10% is pretty fricking lean - I would say 15-16% is the highest I would personally use at. Likely with the intent of cutting.

Many 'bros' are trying to help and keep you healthy, but many are also just preaching this pay your dues bullshit so you don't look better than them.

Also many day don't use so they can push a product instead of the good stuff which they see no revenue from.

Hope it goes without saying that I am referring to the bodybuilding community in general, and not this board.

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You hit the nail on the head!!!! There are benefits to having low bf to start a cycle, definitely.. But there is a lot of hazing going on in the body building world. X10 in the steroid boards... It is hilarious at times..
Ya where did u get this info. Ive never heard anyone say u have to be under 10. I will say if you are higher than 15-16 probly should lean up a little first but ive never heard 10. Thats silly.

Re: RE: To get under 10% Body Fat

Seb3wy said:
Hey guys

User from Australia 25 M.
First time posting a question, so forgive me if it has been answered.

You always hear and read statements saying do not use steroids unless you are under 10% body to see their true effect. However what about if you are not under 10% lets say you are 14-18% body could you possibly use SARMS to get under 10% before using steroids?

I have never heard anyone ever say you need to be under 10% before using, so I'm not sure where you heard it. I think it's ideal to be lean before starting a cycle. The leaner you are, the better gains you'll make, and less conversion to estrogen and less other side effects. I personally don't even let myself get to 10%. I haven't been that fat in over 3 years, but I know not everyone is into being that lean.

The main thing is to be in decent shape and healthy before starting a cycle. Nothing is set in stone, but 15% bodyfat is about as fat as you want to be before cycling. You also must have a good NATURAL base built, have the right knowledge, and be the right age. What are your stats?
RickRock said:
Seb3wy said:
Hey guys

User from Australia 25 M.
First time posting a question, so forgive me if it has been answered.

You always hear and read statements saying do not use steroids unless you are under 10% body to see their true effect. However what about if you are not under 10% lets say you are 14-18% body could you possibly use SARMS to get under 10% before using steroids?


The main thing is to be in decent shape and healthy before starting a cycle. Nothing is set in stone, but 15% bodyfat is about as fat as you want to be before cycling. You also must have a good NATURAL base built, have the right knowledge, and be the right age. What are your stats?

Yeah. This I agree with completely.

There are risks for all of us who use no matter what stats we are. The thing is though, those risks get weighted heavily against you when don't do what RR said in the above quoted post.

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