I will be coming off mk-2866 and astrting the mini pct protocol the day after im done. I am also also running mk-677 beyong nto pct and after. Question is the after pct which starts on week 13-16... On week 17 can i start my next cycle of mk-2866, rad, and lgd for 12 weeks? Or is there a break from weeks 17-20 then start the next sarms only cycle on the 21st week? I got confused as to whether you can cycle on starting on week 17th or week 21st week. Preferably I would like to start up again as soon as possible. Thanks.
Bodyfat 10 perfect,
weight 210 pounds.
Cutting for now next cycle lean bulk.
6 foot.
train 5 days a week 3 hours a day lifting.
age 28.
Bodyfat 10 perfect,
weight 210 pounds.
Cutting for now next cycle lean bulk.
6 foot.
train 5 days a week 3 hours a day lifting.
age 28.