Wow that’s really interesting, might have too look into this further! Wonder if that applies to aromasin as well.. If he’s right I’d assume it would. Thanks for sharing this man.
In fact there was something else interesting though a little off topic here. He said the danger of continuing to dozsw yourself with an AI after conversion has ostensibly stopped is that it will basically bottom out your estrogen to zero periodically through the week. Naturally, whether this will actually happen is going to depend on how much aromatizing compound is in your body and how conversion prone you are. But the danger here is that estrogen at 0 for men is a risk factor for osteoporosis because it retards calcium deposition info your bones (interestingly so do the preservative acids they put into Coca Cola). While obviously this is something you'd wanna avoid in general, bone mass and bone density is also positively correlated with muscle mass because there's a relationship between the amount of skeletal muscle mass bones will support and how heavy the bone is. Another reason AAS increase the genetic ceiling on maximum total sustainable lean body mass - increased bone mass. But excessively low estrogen could conceivably rob you of optimal results.
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