Bored at work and found some old pics a few days ago so made a collage lol. I'm in the back of the first one, took a lot of heat for that pic lol
Top left I would be 31 yrs old Jan right I believe to be 37 yrs old. So around 2011. Bottom left 42 and BR 43.
Pretty cool to see I've been in good shape for some time. Of course I have had lag times in there unfortunately and some for quite a while, but usually got back into it.
Anyone else got some cool older photos of themselves?
Top left I would be 31 yrs old Jan right I believe to be 37 yrs old. So around 2011. Bottom left 42 and BR 43.
Pretty cool to see I've been in good shape for some time. Of course I have had lag times in there unfortunately and some for quite a while, but usually got back into it.
Anyone else got some cool older photos of themselves?