
This is not the swap meet



I have spoke on this before but i guess i wasnt clear enough.

If you as a customer ask us for a price list. Then place an order and negotiate a price or request a price. Then ask for our payment info to send payment. THEN SEND THE PAYMENT.


we are busy servicing our fauthful customers and taking the time to set up a transaction and payment details takes away from our ability to be efficient. Which in turn slows down the whole process.

From this moment forward, DO NOT request a list unless you are wanting to buy from us. Not to compare prices. This isnt walmart.

Case and point. A recent customer. I wont name the person as we dont do that, negotiated a price for a large quantity of product. Was given a great price and payment details. Then no communication intil today where they said they went elsewhere.

That is totally unprofessional and WILL NOT. Be tolerated by PHURIOUS PHARMA.

I repeat.


Man I'm glad I dont have to deal with that bs. That's annoying

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Yes I agree with this Phurious, do not place order if not ready to pay, we work fast and get your order to you as quick as possible, but this type of thing takes up time and slows everything.
This should be common sense... Its one thing if an unforseen circumstance arises and you cant make your order, thats acceptable but wasting peoples' time discourages them a lot and its just not professional... Just as you want the best treatment you also need to give it
In most cases but i did inquire myself about a list and was told i needed too order then but I just ordered from robo and have very specific request that he doesnt carry and not sure if you do plus i have a couple other training partners who chip in with me so it usually takes me a couple days too round funds up but that makes it go from my 300 doller oder too a 1200 order . but at the end of the day im on a good tren run just wanted some winny for the last six weeks my main source doesnt carry it or any anccilliaries was hopnig you did
In most cases but i did inquire myself about a list and was told i needed too order then but I just ordered from robo and have very specific request that he doesnt carry and not sure if you do plus i have a couple other training partners who chip in with me so it usually takes me a couple days too round funds up but that makes it go from my 300 doller oder too a 1200 order . but at the end of the day im on a good tren run just wanted some winny for the last six weeks my main source doesnt carry it or any anccilliaries was hopnig you did

That kind of thing isnt a problem at all. But when someone negotiates a price gets the payment info says they will be paying on day x. Then no contact and says oh i went somehwere else is not professional nor respectful of our time. But if you were told that about a list its because we are trying to discourage tire kicking.

In most cases but i did inquire myself about a list and was told i needed too order then but I just ordered from robo and have very specific request that he doesnt carry and not sure if you do plus i have a couple other training partners who chip in with me so it usually takes me a couple days too round funds up but that makes it go from my 300 doller oder too a 1200 order . but at the end of the day im on a good tren run just wanted some winny for the last six weeks my main source doesnt carry it or any anccilliaries was hopnig you did

Thats not whats being addressed bro... Thats entirely different and completely fine
If you can't respect a source enough to send funds wothim 24 hours then you have no buinsess in those types of situations. Bottom line. Totally unprofessional. Lol swap meet.
I have spoke on this before but i guess i wasnt clear enough.

If you as a customer ask us for a price list. Then place an order and negotiate a price or request a price. Then ask for our payment info to send payment. THEN SEND THE PAYMENT.


we are busy servicing our fauthful customers and taking the time to set up a transaction and payment details takes away from our ability to be efficient. Which in turn slows down the whole process.

From this moment forward, DO NOT request a list unless you are wanting to buy from us. Not to compare prices. This isnt walmart.

Case and point. A recent customer. I wont name the person as we dont do that, negotiated a price for a large quantity of product. Was given a great price and payment details. Then no communication intil today where they said they went elsewhere.

That is totally unprofessional and WILL NOT. Be tolerated by PHURIOUS PHARMA.

I repeat.



you should be blacklisting people who ask for payment info and disappear. asking for a list is one thing and thats ok.But payment info is dangerous.Anyone doing that is a asshole and should be blacklisted unless they come with a good excuse
you should be blacklisting people who ask for payment info and disappear. asking for a list is one thing and thats ok.But payment info is dangerous.Anyone doing that is a asshole and should be blacklisted unless they come with a good excuse

Yes he was told to never contact us again.

In most cases but i did inquire myself about a list and was told i needed too order then but I just ordered from robo and have very specific request that he doesnt carry and not sure if you do plus i have a couple other training partners who chip in with me so it usually takes me a couple days too round funds up but that makes it go from my 300 doller oder too a 1200 order . but at the end of the day im on a good tren run just wanted some winny for the last six weeks my main source doesnt carry it or any anccilliaries was hopnig you did

asking for a list and payment info is totally different bro lol. Asking for a list is harmless.Even discusinng prices is harmless.But exchanging payment info and disappearing is a no no.
And i can tell you right now the price he was given for 15 vials of cypionate. If i told you. You wouldnt even believe it and they didnt pay.

How do we know what you offer if we do not request a list? An then we have to order? What if you and another guy price difference is 50$ surely someone would go with what's cheaper if the quality is the same.

I understand asking for a list, getting a price and saying your going to order and back out and them going somewhere else. That could cause unwanted tension.

However I requested a list from you to see what you offered and to look at your prices. I don't think it's Tire kicking I think it's being smart with your money. I went with robo on my last order and was thinking of you guys on my next run.

Idn maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way.

Idn maybe I'm taking it the wrong way.

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How do we know what you offer if we do not request a list? An then we have to order? What if you and another guy price difference is 50$ surely someone would go with what's cheaper if the quality is the same.

I understand asking for a list, getting a price and saying your going to order and back out and them going somewhere else. That could cause unwanted tension.

However I requested a list from you to see what you offered and to look at your prices. I don't think it's Tire kicking I think it's being smart with your money. I went with robo on my last order and was thinking of you guys on my next run.

Idn maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way.

Idn maybe I'm taking it the wrong way.

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Cheaper doesnt mean better. It means cheaper. You get what you pay for and my prices are very very conpetitive and i also offer the highest of quality products. If someone asks for a list its w the intention to see what i have and to ORDER. Not window shop.

Its like you just said you asled for list and bought from robo.

Being smart with money and wasting my time is two dofferent things. Do you know how many lists we have emailed in the last two months to never hear from that person again?

My prices are my prices for a reason.

If you wanna go cheap be my guest. But dont waste phurious pharma time.

Sorry but i feel this way based on a large time frame of list requests with no order.

Cheaper doesnt mean better. It means cheaper. You get what you pay for and my prices are very very conpetitive and i also offer the highest of quality products. If someone asks for a list its w the intention to see what i have and to ORDER. Not window shop.

Its like you just said you asled for list and bought from robo.

Being smart with money and wasting my time is two dofferent things. Do you know how many lists we have emailed in the last two months to never hear from that person again?

My prices are my prices for a reason.

If you wanna go cheap be my guest. But dont waste phurious pharma time.

Sorry but i feel this way based on a large time frame of list requests with no order.

My last order was from robo back from evo site before I even heard of you. So don't think I requested a list and then went to him. I requested a list to see what you offered because I was looking for a specific mg of eq. But I do see where you are coming from and yes your prices are on the mark. Maybe talk to you in the future when I'm ready to order.

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How do we know what you offer if we do not request a list? An then we have to order? What if you and another guy price difference is 50$ surely someone would go with what's cheaper if the quality is the same.

I understand asking for a list, getting a price and saying your going to order and back out and them going somewhere else. That could cause unwanted tension.

However I requested a list from you to see what you offered and to look at your prices. I don't think it's Tire kicking I think it's being smart with your money. I went with robo on my last order and was thinking of you guys on my next run.

Idn maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way.

Idn maybe I'm taking it the wrong way.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

lol you are misunderstanding.there is NOTHING wrong with asking for a list.But when you say you are going to order, you should be 100% Sure before you do_Once you request payment infomation that is a totally different story, especially for a domestic source, its extremely dangerous
My last order was from robo back from evo site before I even heard of you. So don't think I requested a list and then went to him. I requested a list to see what you offered because I was looking for a specific mg of eq. But I do see where you are coming from and yes your prices are on the mark. Maybe talk to you in the future when I'm ready to order.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N920A using Tapatalk

All good. No worries.

lol you are misunderstanding.there is NOTHING wrong with asking for a list.But when you say you are going to order, you should be 100% Sure before you do_Once you request payment infomation that is a totally different story, especially for a domestic source, its extremely dangerous


This should all be a no brainier. If you start the communication process with a source through email, negotiate product and payment information, then you have started an ORDER, and are expected to follow through. This is not something in my mind that is tolerable when people don't hold up their end of the deal.

Like said, as,ing for a list is one thing, but once you start communicating about prices and products it shows intent to buy and that process should never be started unless you are going to do so. Please don't waste a sources time
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